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A/N: This book might end soon because it has a lot of chapters, but I'm not sure yet! Anyway, how's everyone doing?


You excitedly waited by the airport gate, anticipating for your boyfriend's arrival. Before he left, he promised that he would bring something back. Last night, over the phone, he eagerly told you that he brought back something for you, but he wouldn't tell you what it was until you saw it.

It had been almost thirty minutes since you've waited by the gate along with other families and friends.

The doors suddenly open and passengers come out with their luggage, and smiles painted across their face when their eyes meet with each other.

You excitedly peeked over, trying to find a redhead peeping out. You finally saw a red haired man come out with something furry in his chest. You ran towards him with a big grin on your face when the furry ball suddenly jumped out of his chest and ran towards you. You gasped, as you weren't ready. However, you swooped the small puppy with your arms, already squealing at the cute creature.

"Hello there!" You squealed, turning the puppy side to side.

The puppy began to affectionately lick your hand, causing you to squirm against it. You held it up, continuing to coo at it, swayed by its cuteness. You didn't even notice your boyfriend's presence right in front of you until you looked up to be met by a sulky expression.

He sent you an unamused look, "You haven't seen me in two months, and you don't even look at me."

You sheepishly smiled, tiptoeing to kiss him, however he tiptoed too, raising his chin. "Obviously, you want to see the dog more." He huffed, walking away with his luggage. Your mouth dropped open, scoffing with a smile as you turned to the cute creature still in your arms. It let out a cute noise, tilting its head.

You sighed, talking to the puppy, "Why is your dad being so grumpy? Was he like this on the plane? Is he jet lagged?" You cooed at the puppy. It let out a loud, high pitched bark, causing you to yelp and extend your arms.

Taehyung immediately turned around, alarmed. Seeing you in distress, he tries to calm you, "It's okay. Yeontan is like that. He won't hurt you." Taehyung reassured, patting his head, cutely. You slowly brought your arms back in, feeling a little scared now. You've never had a great experience with dogs, however you always wanted a puppy. How ironic.

When you arrived home, you kept playing with Yeontan, feeling comfortable and content. He started to tug on many things including the toys and slippers, causing you to play with him too.

You kept babying the puppy, holding him close to your face and rubbing your face against him, showering him with smooches and hugs, and squealing against him. He was just the cutest thing in the world.

When Yeontan went to sleep, you went to your shared bedroom, seeing your boyfriend sleeping on the left side of the bed. You approached the bed, sinking on the other side. You were about to hug him til he purposely turned around to the other side.

"Heyy," You sang out, trying to make him turn back.

"Taehyunggg," You whined, laughing a little.

"Please look at meeee,"



He finally turned around, giving you a glare. You leaned in, pecking his lips that you longed for. The both of you stared into each others' eyes, knowing you both wanted more. You dipped your face again, causing him to further deepen the kiss. He morphed his lips against yours while you pressed your lips against his. You pulled away with swollen lips, smiling sheepishly.

"I missed you." You piped, your body falling into his into a hug.

He sent you a scowl, "Didn't seem like it," He sulked. In response, you squeezed his cheek, "I did! I didn't see my mans for two whole months. How can I not miss my favorite person in the world?" You cooed, pecking his cheeks, trying to lighten him up.

He started to smile and show his rectangular smile, making you feel like you've won the lottery.

He then pouted, dropping his arm around you and squeezing you, "I fuckin' missed you. Two months felt too long." He grumbled, causing you to laugh, holding onto his arm tighter.

"When did you get Yeontan?" You questioned, playing with Taehyung's shirt.

"Last week." He answered, tiredly. You started to stare at him, admiring the same face you fell for. You noticed subtle changes like his hair. He caught you staring, causing him to look right back in your eyes.

"When did you dye your hair? It suits you."

"A week ago too." He answered, smiling.

You nodded, continuing to look at him. His hand hovered above your face, landing on your temple gently, caressing your hair.

"I missed you..." He whispered, continuing to play with your hair.

You giggled softly, dipping your head into his chest, "You already said that."

"Because I did!" He said, pulling the blanket over the both of you. "I love you," You said, your hand on his chest. He wrapped both arms around you, "Me more," He blurted, causing you to snicker, "Y-"

"Don't even comment on my grammar." He mumbled, smiling. You stopped talking, sinking into his arms.

"Goodnight," You mumbled against his chest. You felt him bobbing his chin on top of your head.

I'm glad he's home.

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