Taehyung-Teddy Bear

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I just came back home from the mall and I saw this big plush shop and of course, knowing me, I could not resist. I just had to go in there.

"Taehyung, I bought you something!" I chimed.

"Yes??? What is it?!" He yelled from upstairs.

"Wait!" I shouted back, putting the present into a bag.

I went upstairs with the bag behind me and peeked into the room. He was just watching tv on the bed, looking comfortable.

"Came back? Where'd you go anyway?"

"The mall."

"Ooh, nice. Did you get any pretty clothes for yourself?"

"Taehyung, I only had $12."

"Oh, isn't that enough?" He asked, chuckling.

"No, I spent it on something else," I happily said, smiling.

"What'd you buy?"

"It's for you!" I cooed, handing him the bag.

He let go of the tv remote and took my bag. He looked in, but didn't react.

He took out the present, revealing a cute, fluffy brown bear.

He looked at it and looked back into the bag. He held it and looked at it. He then looked back at me.

My smile fell, "You don't like it?"

"You bought me a teddy bear?" He asked.

"Y-yeah.. do you not like it?" I asked, mood already down.

"It's cute," he piped, as he held it, "..But why did you waste your money on it?"

I pouted, "Why won't you just appreciate that I bought it with my own money just for you?" I whined, walking out the door, being a little frustrated.

I entered the bathroom, changing and washing my hands.

When I came out, and back into the room, he was hugging the bear, staring at the tv.

"Thank youuuu," He cooed in a baby tone.

You puckered your lower lip, "Whatever," You muttered.

"Come lay next to me." He said, patting the bed space next to him.

I sighed, going onto the bed, and looking at the tv.

He inched closer, kissing your forehead. You didn't react but you eyed him. He kissed it again. You didn't react. He kissed your cheek. You didn't react. He kissed your forehead, nose, cheek, temple, and last one on your lips.

Taehyung felt like he won the lottery when he saw you smiling, and trying to hide it.

"You're not mad, righttttt?" He sang, moving his head under my chin.

"Shut up," I muttered, ruffling his hair.

"But I want to know, why'd you buy me a bear?" He asked.

"I thought you'd like it. You know, cuddle it to sleep, kiss it, hug it, talk to it."

He made a face.

"What? That's what I always did with my stuffed toys when I was younger." I shrugged.

He chuckled, looking at me lovingly, "But why do I need a teddy bear for that when I've got the most beautiful girl right next to me to do all that to?"

You blushed, and tried not to smile.

"But still!" You tried.

He grinned, showing his box smile, and pecked my lips again, "I love you,-"

"I lov-"

"My sweet sweet teddy bear," He smiled, holding the bear and looking at it. Then, he hugged it.

I narrowed my eyes playfully at him, and he smiled innocently at me, "What? Aren't I supposed to love it?"

"Yeah yeah."

"I love you."

You didn't say anything except stare at the tv screen.

"I love you, Y/N."

You looked away from the tv and at Taehyung who was smiling.

"I love you t-"

"See, I named my teddy bear Y/N. I love my teddy bear," He cooed, looking back at the bear.

"Yah," I playfully snapped, slapping his arm.

"I'm just kiddingggggg," He sang.

"I love you, Y/N, my girlfriend, my beautiful girlfriend,"

I scoffed, "You probably made your teddy bear your girlfriend just now."

"Nonono, I love you, Y/N, my actual human girlfriend who's right next to me, sulking because she thinks I love a stuffed bear more than her."

I turned to him, "You're being real cheesy, aren't you?"

"Only you," He said.

You shook your head.

"So since you can hug, kiss, and cuddle, why not do all that for your Taehyung?" He asked, innocently.

I hugged his head tightly, resulting him fake choking, gave him a long kiss on the lips and laid down into his arms.

"Way better than the bear, that's for sure," He breathed out, still flushed from the kiss you gave him.

You giggled, "Let's sleep, it's late anyway."

He hummed in response as he got up to close the tv and the lights.

He hopped back into bed, and engulfed his arms around me, whilst bringing the blanket over us.

"I love you," He mumbled against my hair.

"I love you too, T-"

"...my fluffy, cute teddy bear." He continued.

You gave up and kept quiet, just holding his hand.

"I love you Y/N."


"My girlfriend,"


"The one who's sulkin-"

"I love you too Taehyung, now please shush and sleep." You interrupted.

He stifled a laugh, "See, bear? This is why you're way better than this noisy woman, jeez..." He talked quietly. Then, he chuckled.

When he didn't get any response from you, he gave up, kissing your hand, and temple before heading off to sleep with you in his arms.

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