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A/N: trigger warning (please do not read if you are sensitive to mentions of harassment.)


You were reading your fanfiction on the couch when the doorbell rang, interrupting your reading. That must be him!

You opened the door and saw your cute boyfriend holding a box of some of your favorite snacks and treats.

"Happy one week anniversary, beautiful." He said lovingly, making your heart burst.

You grinned, grabbing the box and turning away, "Well, hello there, sexy snacks."

You snickered quietly after walking away, hearing him whine. You placed the box on the table and plopped on the couch, waiting for him to come. When he walked into the living room, you noticed his pout and disinterested expression, causing you to laugh. He took a seat next to you and crossed his arms.

You clung onto his arm and started pulling on it, "I'm kidding," You sang. "Happy seven days, may many more come." You continued. His grin was plastered on his face and he turned to look at you, hugging your face.

You and him stayed hugging in each other's arms til he pulled you up and placed you on his laps. You looked in his eyes, anticipating on his next move. He started to slowly lean in, kissing you. He planted his lips on top of yours, gentle. It felt like kissing a baby's cheek. It was your first kiss shared with him and when he pulled away, your ears turned red.

You smiled shyly, making him comment, "You're so cute."

He wanted more of your lips. After that first kiss, butterflies flew around in his stomach. He loved the way your lips moved against his, full of not lust, but love.

He leaned in again, with a little more force. He pressed his lips more aggressively than the first time and you felt his hands roaming at your sides. You kissed back, trying to keep up with his pace. Your hands were on his shoulders while you closed your eyes. His hands continued to move higher and soon they roamed to your neck.

Suddenly, something triggered within you and the scene started to replay in your mind. You heard your abusive ex-boyfriend's words play in your head, "You taste so sweet. Mmm!" He moaned, making you worried and freak out as you screamed and pleaded to stop.

"Stop making annoying sounds or you know what'll happen!" He yelled, making your fear overcloud you. His hand started to roam around your body and soon they were at your neck. He squeezed your neck for a few seconds, making you suffocate and choke suddenly, "Don't make me do it for real." He threatened, making you nod while whimpering. He planted rough hickeys, making tears fall from your eyes effortlessly. You felt disgusted, vulnerable, scared, in danger, and completely broken.

Your eyes shot open and gasped, suddenly pushing Jungkook's shoulders violently, losing the contact of your lips. You began to tremble and blink faster. Your breathing became shallow and you started to breathe heavily and your vision became clouded with tears.

Jungkook noticed your attack, pulling away as fast as he could, "Wh-What's wrong? I'm so sorry, was it too much? Did I hurt you?" He frantically asked, seeing your tears stream down. He completely softened, heart dropping to his stomach, thinking he was the one who had caused you to react this way.

He suddenly placed his hands by your arms, snapping you back into reality. You continued to heavily breathe, sobbing uncontrollably. You noticed Jungkook's expression full of concern and guilt.

"Breathe, baby. I didn't know you felt uncomfortable about it. I'm so sorry, I won't do it again." He said, repeatedly apologizing. You shook your head, "N-No! It's not you. It's me. I'm sorry. I-I suddenly got reminded of something during my past relationship and it-it just hit me. I'm sorry for pushing you away during it.." You apologized, your breath hitching.

Jungkook softened, planting soft kisses on your forehead multiple times, uttering comforting and reassuring words.

He pulled you into a hug, "I don't know what happened in your past relationship, but I promise I will definitely do better." He said, patting your back soothingly as you quietly cried on his shoulder. You felt embarrassed and ashamed for acting this way.

You got up after a few minutes, and he wiped your tears away, looking at you with worry. He held your hands, trying to calm you.

"My ex boyfriend was..." You stopped to gulp, sniffling, "...abusive. During the last few days and week of our relationship, he became so needy. All he wanted was sex and I wasn't ready for it. He would harass me and if I didn't give what he wanted, he would hit me and squeeze my neck, choking me. H-He would hit me til I had bruises if I didn't give in. It felt the same when your hands were on my neck. I'm so sorry for freaking out like that on you, I-"

Jungkook quickly pecked your lips, "Don't be sorry." Suddenly, his eyes turned into balls of rage. "I want to fucking know who this bastard is and I'll kill him." He growled, tightening his grip on your hands. You shook your head, rapidly, "I don't want you involved with someone like him. I don't want to see him again, please. I'm happy with you and that's all we should focus on." You softly explained, looking into his eyes.

He scoffed, turning his head away, "How could he do such things and get away with it? I can't live with that. That fucking bastard just forced you into something without your consent and harassed you. He hit you! He hurt you! I'm going to fucking kill him once I see him." He angrily spoke, gripping your hands harder, feeling slight pain. You watched his face turn red, making you panic.

"Please stop. I don't want any violence. I don't want you to get hurt. It's over. He's gone anyway. I'm with you. You're with me." You tried, moving his hair away from his face as his hands loosened.

"If he ever has the nerve to text you or come near you, you notify me immediately and I'll break him. You don't have to be scared of him anymore. You have me." He said, hugging you with his hand on top of your head. He embraced you, making you feel completely safe in his strong arms.

Meanwhile, he started to imagine himself beating the asshole to a pulp. He couldn't believe the cruel actions done to his girlfriend.

"I love you," You mumbled in his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts. "I love you more, Y/N." He said, holding you tighter.

You giggled, lifting your head up again. You leaned in and pecked his lips softly. He looked at you with questioning eyes and you pursed your lips and slightly nodded, giving him permission. He gave you a smirk before crashing his lips on you.

"Let's continue where we stopped before..."

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