Taehyung-A Deadly Kiss

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It was a Friday night. You waited outside on the busy street in front of your boyfriend's work building. You've been waiting for a while now, but you don't mind as the weather was pleasant and the air smelled fresh.

You yelped when you feel a body crash you from behind, enlacing your body with their arms. You relax in their hold once you heard his voice. "Sorry for being late. I got hungry last minute so I went in the office and grabbed a donut." Taehyung mumbled as he spoke through your hair.

You giggled, pulling away and turning around to hug him, "It's okay. We're going to go eat right now anyway." You piped, looking forward to your dinner date.

Taehyung smiled as he slowly leaned in, eventually reaching your lips as the both of you start gently kissing each other. It was only when he pulled away when you were able to breathe and your senses came back. Your heart plummets to your stomach once you realized what you've just tasted.

Your tongue starts tingling and you feel your breath becoming shallow. You feel your lips tingling as well as you tremble in fear. Your heartbeat increases, which quickens your breath and you feel like passing out. You whimper, unable to grasp anything in the moment as you fall to the ground, soon feeling a pair of arms behind your back.

"Y/N? Hey- Y/N!" You hear him say, before you slowly black out, feeling your throat throbbing, unable to breathe. After you collapsed in his arms, he started to scream for your name and called the ambulance. Being unaware of your situation, he put his lips over yours, performing CPR, totally shaken to the core.

After the ambulance comes, he sees your face that no longer could be recognizable due to the swelling. He watches painfully as the medics attach an oxygen mask to your face and inject a needle into your thigh, soon lifting you into the back of the vehicle. Heavily breathing, he hopped behind, staring at you from afar, wondering what in the world caused this.

"I-Is she gonna be okay?" Taehyung worriedly asked the man who was about to close the doors. "Yeah, no worries. By the looks of it, she probably just went into anaphylactic shock." He lastly said before shutting the back doors.

Taehyung's eyebrows tangle as he looked back at you, seeing your arms form red hives and welts. He gulped, feeling a weight on his heart, seeing you like this. Anaphylactic shock? He asked himself. What did she eat?

"What's her name and yours?" The EMT asked, whipping out an iPad to type the information in. Still in shock, he takes a while to register the question, "Y/N. I'm Kim Taehyung."

He nods slowly, "Okay Taehyung, do you know what Y/N has eaten before the occurrence?"

"No, sir. I-I just met up with her and we were going to get dinner. I have no idea what she ate before." Taehyung explained, seeing your chest rise slowly.

"That's alright. We'll know when we get to the hospital. Rest assured, she'll be okay." The EMT reassured, nodding at him. The shaken man nods, biting his lip down. The ride was silent but Taehyung's mind felt like a war, trying to figure out what he can do.

After about 20 minutes of the ride, he saw your eyes flicker open. He gasped, leaning forward a little, "Y/N?"

You slowly blink, feeling yourself in a van while being loosely strapped. You meet your weary and puffy eyes with your worried boyfriend, and your cheeks suddenly flame, feeling embarrassed to the pit.

"Miss Y/N, can you breathe well?" You hear an unfamiliar voice ask. You nod, breathing into the mask. You soon realized your situation, remembering what happened. You suddenly feared being looked at by Taehyung. You felt afraid and self conscious about how you looked now with your swollen and red face and features.

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