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"Baby.." Jimin called.

"Mm?" I asked, scrolling through my phone, not really listening to him.

"I want to go on a trip.." He said.

"Mhm..." I hummed, not really listening again.

"I want to go to Jeju Island." He beamed.

"Ok....bye..." I mumbled, focused on my phone.

"Y/N~!" He whined. I finally looked up from my phone seeing him pout.

"Whaat?" I whined.

"Did you hear a single word I said?" He asked.

"Islands going on a trip or something." I said, sheepishly smiling. He sighed.

"First of all, how is that physically possible. How can an island go on a trip?" He asked, laughing.

I chuckled, "I don't know."

"Okay, well I said I wanted to go to Jeju Island."

"Okay, bye have fun." I waved and went back on my phone.

He whined again. "How can you just let me go like that.. don't you care about me?" He said, sulking.

"No." I said with a straight face, shaking my head and went back on my phone, ignoring him. He sighed in defeat and got off the bed.

"Fine, be like that.." He grumbled and walked to the door till I got out of bed and ran to his back to hug him.

"I'm kidding," I cooed with a large grin on my face.

"Get off me." He mumbled.

"No...." I smiled, my cheek against his back.

"I'll go with you." I mumbled.

He immediately turned around with a big smile and held my shoulders.

"Really?!" He asked, excitement plastered on his face.

I nodded, smiling.

"Great! Let's pack!" He said, dashing out my room to find the suitcases.

"Yo idiot! It's in our room! Where are you going?!"


We headed towards the airport and waited in our gate. We waited for 3 hours. There was so many people that so many people were standing and sitting on the floor. The two of us shared a seat. I was sitting on his lap the entire time and I kept switching because I was afraid one of his legs would be numb when he got up.

I leaned on his chest and I heard him groan.

I chuckled and didn't move.

"Y/N..." he called.

"Mm?" I said, turning to my left to kiss his cheek.

He broke into a small smile. "You're hurting my thing... Can you move your left leg..."

I realized. "Oh! Sorry." I sheepishly laughed.

I kept leaning on him and he brought his arms around my waist, with his head on my shoulder.

"I'm bored.." he whined.

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