Jungkook-Your Eyes Tell

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A/N: hello everyone, it has been veeerry long and i'm so sorry for putting this series on hiatus. i lowkey forgot about this book ngl. truth be told, my motivation for writing definitely gone downhill since covid-19 had happened. not only am i bored out of my mind but i just haven't been able to think clearly. i hope you all are safe, healthy, and happy. since the new song came out, i decided to take some inspiration from it so here it is! i'm so sorry if it's terrible because i've definitely gotten rusty at writing 😓


Ever since you and Jungkook had a fallout, it's been awkward at work. What's worse is that you work in a hospital, so teamwork and communication are both very important when it comes to handling patients, surgery, and discussing plans. It's weird because you're not really sure why the fallout even happened, but sometimes two people just don't click.

However, you now try your best to avoid him so that these awkward situations or unwanted feelings go away. Has it been working? Not really.

You sighed out loud, grabbing your scrub hat, headed towards the on call room to lay down after a six hour surgery. Your eyes were hazy and exhausted from all the meticulous work that you didn't notice someone was already in the room.

Realizing after seeing a shadow, your eyes open a little wider in embarrassment, "Oh, sorry." You muttered, turning away and about to leave out the door when Jungkook grabbed your wrist, "I was just heading out, it's okay." He assured, eventually letting go of your hand and walking around you to leave the room. Your skin continued to feel tingly even seconds after he released your wrist.

You shift uncomfortably, trudging towards the bed and laying on the mattress immediately. You cursed silently in your head as you could smell his scent on the sheets he just laid on. It wasn't a bad scent, but you felt like it just held too many memories.

Eventually, you doze off.


"Where have you been?! The trauma floor needs you!" Dr. Lee angrily urged as soon as you reached the 4th floor after seeing several pages from your boss. Your lips parted, seeing the chaos with all the patients and nurses fleeing everywhere. "I-I was taking a break in the-"

"I don't care! Get to work! I paged you a million times!" He yelled further, making your shoulders shrink as you nod shamelessly. "I'm-"

Then, you see two feet join your line of sight, "Hey, c'mon, don't yell at her. She just had a long surgery. There are other surgeons taking over. She can just help out in the pit." It was Jungkook. "Dr. Jeon, mind your own business. Both of you get work. I don't want to hear it." Dr. Lee lastly scolded before walking away to treat some patients. You nodded, quickly walking away only to bump into Jungkook's chest. "Sorry-"

He placed his palms against your shoulders, "You can take a break if you want. I've got it handled down here." He assured. You shook your head, backing away from him to walk around him, "I'm okay." You lastly said, headed to treat patients. You bit your lip, feeling embarrassed.


You were eating lunch in the cafeteria alone at the table when you see a familiar figure enter. You immediately focused your eyes elsewhere, hurrying up to eat your food so you could get out. But of course, you were late. "Are you feeling better?" Jungkook gently asked, setting down his tray of food. You avoid his gaze, nodding as you shove a carrot into your mouth, "I'm better. I mean, I have to be. I have another big surgery tomorrow." You explained, not wanting it to be awkward again.

He smiled, "Good luck, I know you'll do brilliant. If I'm free, maybe I could watch from the gallery." He added, his eyes narrowing into an eye smile. Your heart melts, but you stay blank, "Great, well I'm gonna go check up on my patients." You greet, pushing in your chair.

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