Taehyung-Better Girlfriend?

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A/N: Angsty


"Taehyung-ah, calm down. It's just an audition."

"No! It's not just an audition! This is my chance of becoming a singer and song writer!" Taehyung whined in distress.

"Which track are you submitting?"

"The one I showed you last night. What if they don't like it? There's a million people auditioning. Why would I be chosen? What if they hate it? Of course they will! What if they do take it and then put it online but other people hate it. What if everyone in the world listening to it hates me? I'll be infamous and-"

"Taehyung," I chuckled.

"What?" He asked, eyes wide and a little hyperventilating.

"They're not just going to choose 1 person. They'll choose multiple. You're going to do fine. Your track was amazing. I'm sure they'll like it." I said, squishing his cheek.

He pouted. "What if they don't??"

"Then, try again and again and again until you make it." I sighed.

He bit his inner cheek. Then, he started whining.

"I'm scared. I'll just give it to them and run away. What about that? That's good."

I sighed, "Tae-"

"No! That's exactly what I'm going to do. Wait! What if-"

"Taehyung, you're going to take the track, give it to them, wait for them and then that's all you do. It's not the end-"

"IT IS THE END OF THE WORLD!" He snapped, storming away from me.

"Tae- ugh.." I sighed in frustration. He's too stubborn.


Eventually I had to drive because he was too nervous to.

We arrived in front of the building. I saw him turn pale and getting anxious. We walked in together to the elevator.

I saw his chest heaving up and down and him gulping multiple times.

I held his hand. It was cold. I tiptoed to kiss him.

"Don't be so nervous. There are more chances." I said, hugging him.

"What if I never make it?" He whined.

"You'll make it." I assured.

He hugged back, tight as ever. The elevator door opened and we walked out hugging each other. We looked like idiots and the both of us laughed while people were looking at us like we were crazy.

"You'll do fine. You got this! Fighting!" I encouraged, pushing him into the room filled with other auditioning people. I waved at him, smiling. The last thing I saw before the door closed was his pouty face and slow hand wave at me.

I chuckled, before walking outside to wait on a bench for him.

2 hours later..

I was staring at the ground with my elbows propped on my thighs for the whole 2 hours. I kept swaying my head and body because I was so bored. I felt nervous for Taehyung. He's such a baby and it would hurt to see him crying.

Soon, a familiar pair of shoes were in front of mine. I lifted my elbows away from my legs, stood up and looked up.

I saw Taehyung's teary face.

"Taehyung.." I softly called, caressing his cheek.

He pouted, "Th-they didn't call my name... which m-means they didn't like it."

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