Jimin-Revenge (Pt.2 of HP)

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Request by kookies_creamyy !! ♡


"Hey guys. Do you all remember when Jimin did that cruel hickey prank on me?" You said to the camera, smirking.

"Well, today is the day I'm going to get him back. I asked one of my male friends if he'd be willing to text me flirty or any intimate messages for a prank. He doesn't know who Jimin is, so it's even better. He agreed to do it." You laughed, pulling up your phone to show the conversation between you and Taehyung.

"I'm going to leave my phone in the bedroom when I shower, and I'm going to have him send those messages to me. Jimin will be in the room, so I'm pretty sure he's going to see the notifications pop up. I'm going to make Jimin suspect something between us." You explained, grinning.

You sighed, "I love you Jimin, but this has to be done." You sang, shutting the camera off.

You glanced at the clock that read 4 pm. Jimin was currently at work, and he usually comes home at around 6 today. You set up the camera behind a photo frame on the dresser which was a considerable far distance from the bed.

You took out your phone to text Taehyung.

Me: I'll text you when to start but when I text you, don't just start doing it

Me: Wait like a minute and then do it

Taehyung: LMAO Y/N how long should I do it for

Me: Just send like 15 texts that's enough

Me: Make up some scenario that might look like I'm cheating or something

Taehyung: Ok I'll make sure I'm super flirty

Taehyung: I'll call you hot so many times to piss him off LMAO but damn Y/N you're so bad


Taehyung: yikes how did that go

Me: I cried

Taehyung: So this is revenge

Me: Yes

Taehyung: Yo what if he finds me and beats me up

Me: He won't LOL

Taehyung: 😭

Me: thanks for agreeing again LOL

Taehyung: Anything for you to get a laugh

Me: :)


It was five minutes past 6 PM already. You saw Jimin's car pulling up, causing you to run to your shared bedroom. You start rolling the camera. You gave the camera a thumbs up, "He's home!" You whisper-yelled.

You took your phone with you downstairs.

Jimin opened the door and saw you standing there, "Hey babe. Can you make me some dinner? I'm hungry." He asked, taking off his shoes. You nod, going to the kitchen.

After having dinner together, the both of you head upstairs to the bedroom. You pursed your lips, trying not to laugh.

"I'm going to shower now." He blurts, taking off his shirt. You nod, plopping yourself on the bed, going on your phone. After he left the room to the bathroom, you pulled up the messages.

Me: Text me in like 20 minutes

Taehyung: Ok LOL

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