Jungkook-Crushin' In Crutches

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You were walking to school almost entering the door entrance when you spotted a student with crutches. You noticed he had a cast on with two crutches, carrying a backpack on his shoulders and 3 textbooks between his armpits. You furrowed your eyebrows, why in the world is he carrying so many things when he's on crutches?

You saw him struggle to walk and immediately felt bad. Suddenly, he dropped all of his textbooks and no one around him seemed to help. Your instincts made your way over, grabbing the scattered textbooks before he could even touch them.

You got up and he adjusted his crutches, staring at you. "Thanks." He said as he extended his arm out, reaching for the books, but you turned your body around so it was out of his reach.

"I'll help you carry them to your class." You said, with a warm smile displayed on your face.

He looked into your eyes and his eyebrows raised, "Oh, alright thanks."

You lightly nodded, following him. "Do you usually have to carry all of these every day and to each class?"

"No. These textbooks are just for that class and after that I leave them in my locker. After all of my classes, I take them back home and the cycle continues." He explained.

You displayed a confused look, "And you don't have anyone to help you carry these?" You asked, holding up the textbooks.

He chuckled, "Nah."

"I'll help you." You kindly offered, making his head perk your way, cockily.

He gave you an 'are you serious' look.

"What?" You asked, slightly offended from his look.

"You want to go out of your way every morning just to help me carry these three light textbooks?" He asked, making your face fall.

"Light? If they were so light and easy to carry, then why'd they fall out of your arms, hm??" You snapped, suddenly feeling anger boiling as he didn't appreciate your offer.

"Alright alright I'm sorry, chill. Let loose okay." He defended, sensing your anger increasing in your tone.

"Tssch," You scoffed, making him chuckle, "Thanks, though. I appreciate it. No one has ever helped me like this." He said, making your heart go soft. Why wouldn't anyone help someone on crutches?

"You're welcome." You piped, quietly.

"So uh I'm Jungkook."

"Y/N." You answered, looking straight.

"Cool. Do you live near the school?" He asked.

"Well, I walk to school so I guess so." You shrugged.

"If you want to help me carry these books, wanna walk to my house and help? We can walk to school together." He asked, smirking.

"You're asking for too much." You said, looking at him.

He lightly laughed, "Okay-"

"But I'll do it. I feel bad that you have no one to resort to help and you're on crutches so you can barely even walk." You said, caving in, making his face glow up.

"I live on Junglebook street. Just wait at the corner and I'll be there."

You sighed, "Okay."


The next morning, you walked a different path as you remembered you needed to go to Junglebook street. You waited at the corner for a few minutes before you spotted a figure with a blue hoodie and crutches, walking your way.

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