Chapter 19

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"Well .. I know him. And just like he ruined your relationship, he had ruined my relationship last year. A little different here and there but other than that .. Jaehyo once broke my relationship too," He told me.

I froze. "Wh-what? How?"

"My girfriend, broke up with me for him. She had been cheating on me with him, he took eat away from me. But that's just not his fault, she was stupid enough to do such thing as well. The next week, she came running back," He laughed bitterly.

"And you didn't take her back?" I asked.

"Of course not, if he took her away from me then that means she's not worth it. And Jaehyo must've wanted revenge from Taeil or something, because he didn't know me and you were siblings until we announced it," G-Dragon said. I nodded.

"But then I guess I need to tell Taeil that it was a misunderstanding, if he is willing to listen to me," I stated.

"He will. You two can't throw away a good relationship just because of Jaehyo," He told me.

"Maybe .. you could help me out?" I asked.

"I will, I'm going to their dorm right after this. I heard you have a science project to do for the science fair, so you can go home and work on that," He smiled.

"Oh yeah, time passes by so fast .. I'm glad I planned the experiment beforehand. And thank you so much, Oppa. Please convince him," I pleaded. He held my hand and squeezed it.

"I will, lil' sis. I know what to say, don't worry about it. And Jaehyo's face won't be looking so pretty when I leave their dorm," He stood up.

"Wait violence isn't .. the .. answer," I finished my sentence by the time G-Dragon was walking out of the McDonald's and heading to their dorm.

I looked at my watch and school was over, so they should be at their dorm by now. I headed home and texted Bom, Dara, and Minzy that I was okay. While I was sitting at the couch watching TV and trying not to worry, my dad came in.

"Hello my daughter," He greeted as I stood up and hugged him.

"You came home from work early today," I commented. In his hands, there was a black bag.

"What's that?" I pointed at it.

He chuckled quite nervously. "Oh, nothing. Just food, I went grocery shopping. If you excuse me princess, I'll be heading to my room to rest."

He quickly walked off and I simply shrugged it off and sat back down on the couch. I stared at my phone, waiting for a beep or a ring, hoping Taeil would say he knows what happened now.

I won't try to text him first, I might be bothering him and he won't want to hear me. I sighed and laid down on the couch. Why did this have to happen to me?

The Nerd I Loved (Block B Taeil)Where stories live. Discover now