Chapter 11

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I couldn't believe my eyes.

Or my ears.

That same angelic voice coming out of Taeil's mouth, I was in great shock.

"Did you know about this?" I asked Kyung. He smiled.

"And way more."

Right at the last lyrics of the song, he looked straight at me, causing my heart to thump and for a knot to create in my stomach. For a moment, it had felt like it was just me and him, alone, him singing to me.

When he finished, the crowd cheered louder than before, amazed by his singing. This is truly a shock for me. I mean, Taeil? Singing? I barely even knew whether he had any musical talent, how is this even possible that he's the person that made my day everyday, just by hearing his voice.

When he got offstage, he walked up to me and Kyung and I felt like hugging him, but I have to resist that. He smiled at me, making my cheeks turn hot.

"Wh-why didn't you ever tell me about this?" I asked him.

He chuckled and held out his hand. "Come with me."

I hesitated but took his hand anyways and he led me outside the gym, through the hallways and into the choir room.

"Why are we here?" I asked curiously, looking around the room. It was my second time coming in, but I was still amazed by it's size and its colorfulness.

"Chaerin, you know I've liked you since last year, you caught my eye when I first saw you. You rejected my friendship so many times and I just got you to talk to me not so long ago, and know that we know each other more, will you be my girlfriend?" Taeil said. He shyly held out a rose to me and my heart pounded, this feeling inside me is indescribable at the moment. I took the rose from him and smiled.

But then I decided to play hard to get. After all, I'm Lee Chaerin.

I put on a blank face and raised my eyebrow. "What about that Sarah girl?"

He facepalmed himself then smirked. "Quit being jealous, I don't love anyone but you."

That made my heart pound even more and for butterflies to have a party in my stomach.

"I'll stop talking to her so you can be happy. So, once again, will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with sparkling eyes. I giggled.

"Yes, Taeil. I'll be your girlfriend."

"Seriously?" He asked in disbelief. I giggled at his shocked expression.

"Yes, you dork," I replied, making him chuckle and he pulled me into a tight hug. I finally admit to the world,

I have fallen for Taeil.

And I fell hard.

"Chaerin, you have no idea how happy you've made me!" He exclaimed, making my cheeks heat up.

"By the way, why didn't you ever tell me you can sing?" I said with a glare. He laughed.

"You never asked. And you haven't even found out the best part yet."

"There's more?" I asked in shock. How many secrets does this kid even have?

"You'll see," He said with a derp smile.

"What is it? You can rap too or something?" I joked.

"I've always been bad at that, not my thing," He replied.

"Then what is it?" I whined. He chuckled.

"You're so impatient," He said. I pouted.

"I'll tell you soon, I promise," He assured. I nodded, although I was wondering what it could be.

The Nerd I Loved (Block B Taeil)Where stories live. Discover now