Chapter 3

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"In order to be a cheerleader, you must have lots and lots of team spirit, and lots of leadership skills," the cheerleader teacher exclaimed.

We were all sitting on the floor of the big high school gym as the coach gave us a lesson and introduction for cheerleading. Looking over at Bom, she seemed so excited. On the other hand, Minzy and I were just sitting there, while Dara messed with her hair tips.

"Your parents will have to pay for the fee of the outfits, and you'll have to be passing all your classes," she stated. Many girls groaned to the mention of grades.

"Now, let's warm up, shall we?" The coach exclaimed excitedly. We nodded and started stretching.

All this was boring me already, so I decided to go to the restroom. In the hallway, it was silent and no one was around. Passing by the choir room, I heard a voice singing in great harmony.

Putting my ear against the door covered in musical notes, the angelic voice came clear to my sense of hearing. I took a seat on the floor next to the door to listen, and I immediately became hypnotized by their voice when they started to sing SHINee's 6.23 ..

Even if you tease me by saying this is foolish, I can't turn this heart around,

I shout out loud, I get angry but it's no use

I'm just the one out of many people that pass by you ..

Though I extend my hand, though I extend it with all my strength, I can't reach you

It seemed like I got closer so I called you with a fluttering heart,

But there's no answer, I guess I can never reach you ..

I guess I can never reach you ..

Feeling their lyrics touch my heart, I felt like they were singing directly to me.

"Good job, I think that's enough for today," I heard the choir teacher say. Knowing that person would come open this door any second, I quickly stood up from the floor and sped walked towards the gym.

"CL, where were you?" Minzy
whispered to me.

"Just walking. Was I gone for long?"

"A little, but no worries."

I nodded and became engaged to the practice.

After practice was finally over, we walked out of the school.

"That was fun!" Bom exclaimed happily.

"I guess I could get used to it," Minzy said with a blank face.

"Hey Dara!" We heard someone exclaim. We turned around to see Chanyeol and Kai.

"Hey Chaerin," Kai greeted with a smile. I managed to wave back as they left, chatting with each other.

Minzy nudged my shoulder and whispered," I think he's the one." I nodded in agreement.

Kai is so handsome. The way his hair is nicely done, his smile, his tanned skin .. It looks perfect on him. I have no idea why Bom and Dara don't approve much of him. There's a nice handsome guy like Kai and they expect me to give Taeil a chance? Not even if I lose my mind.

The next morning, we all walked to school together once again.

"I can't believe you agreed to be Taeil's friend the other day," Minzy said with a face of disgust.

"It would've been rude to have said no," I defended.

"Plus he's so happy you finally have him a chance to at least be your friend. Admit it, it's better this way," Bom told me.

"Trust me, it's annoying to hear him go on and on about math, Minecraft, and classical music. I mean, who even listens to that?" I said, rolling my eyes.

When we got to school, we ago arrived a little late so we had to go directly to our classes. Walking into the half-empty classroom, Taeil greeted me. I forced a smile and greeted back.

"So .. Did you do the homework?" Taeil asked. I froze and slowly shook my head.

"Here, you can copy off me, but you owe me," he said, handing me his paper. I took it and quickly copied every single number and woke shown on it. When I finished, I gave it back to him.

"Thanks," I said. He smiled widely.

"No need to thank me."

I found it so weird how he just let me copy off his paper, he would usually tell me, 'copying is wrong' and give me his speech on copying.

At the last class of the day, I received a text from Umma.

I can't pick you up today, Ms.Lee will pick you up and I'll go pick you up later. -Umma

-________- why?! -Me

I have to work overtime. At least you and Taeil get along now, right? -Umma

I guess, but still .-. I don't wanna go. -Me

Be nice, Chaerin. Now put your phone away before to get it taken up. -Umma

Fine. -Me

I sighed heavily. I don't want to see Taeil for another three hours or so, yeah, we're friends, but still. For the first time in my life, I didn't want to get out of school.

When that bell rang to dismiss us, everyone walked out of the classroom happily except for me. Outside in the hallway, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see cheerful Taeil once again.

"I heard your staying at my house for a while today," he said with a smile. I forced a smile and nodded.

"Hello Chaerin!" Kai greeted, walking up to us. He turned to look at Taeil, who was inches shorter so he had to look down while Taeil had to look up.

"Who's this?" Kai asked.

"I'm her-"

"Friend!" I interrupted Taeil, just in case he was planning to say 'boyfriend' like he had said to Kris. Kai nodded, smirking at Taeil for some reason. He looked back up at me and smiled.

"I wanted to ask you something. I was so seeing if .. We could hang out after practice tomorrow? I mean, the park is next to the school and .." Kai started. All of a sudden, I had totally forgotten Taeil was right next to me.

"Me?" I asked in surprise. Kai nodded.

"Yeah. Would you like to hang out tomorrow?" He asked again. I nodded.

"Of course!" I exclaimed happily. He smiled.

"I'll see you tomorrow, then," he said as he waved and walked away. I sighed in awe. I can't believe it, my crush asked me to hang out with him tomorrow. I'm like going through those boss moments right now.

"Eh-hem," I heard someone clear their throat. Interrupting me from my daydream, Taeil was right in front of me, which I had totally forgotten.

"Let's go," he simply said as we walked outside. I felt guilty to have said yes to Kai right in front of Taeil, I know he has feelings for me and I must've made him feel bad. I feel like a bad person now, a heart breaker.

Wait, why do I even care? That was my plan, right? To get Taeil to stop liking me and to leave me alone?

An I even sure I want that?

I was still thinking over everything as we got onto the car as Ms.Lee drove off.


Thanks for reading, I promise the next chapter will be good, I enjoyed writing it ^^

Yes, I have this story planned out, so I know what I'm doing :)

Or do I ...

Hehe Jk. c;

Don't forget to vote and leave a beautiful comment, it means a lot :) Annyeong ~

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