Chapter 34

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The end of the weekend came and Brooke, Natasha and Gia were back on the East Coast. Brooke never told them about Scott and as far as she knew, he was still in Las Vegas but, who knows.

When she saw James, she wrapped her arms around him, never wanting to let go.

"I missed you. So much." She murmured into his neck. He chuckled quietly and began rubbing her back soothingly.

The rest of the week was spent doing all of their school work and home work so that it would be finished before the wedding as well as their honeymoon.

The entire week, Brooke spent as much time with James as possible. After what had happened with Scott, she didn't want to risk catching feelings for him again ever though it may have already begun.

September 7th

The day of the wedding came sooner than expected. Brooke's nerves were shot and both Natasha and Gia were trying their best to reassure Brooke that everything was going to turn out perfect.

Brooke was ready to walk down the aisle in her gorgeous wedding dress and white Jimmy Choo glitter pumps. Her dress had a sweetheart neckline with thin straps. It was covered in lace with small gems adorned here and there. Around the waist was a mountain of tulle that swirled around her.

Brooke's hair was pulled up into an intricate bun with her blonde highlights adding dimension to the whole look

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Brooke's hair was pulled up into an intricate bun with her blonde highlights adding dimension to the whole look.

Brooke's makeup was natural, her face looking flawless from foundation and concealer, her face gently bronzed and highlighted

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Brooke's makeup was natural, her face looking flawless from foundation and concealer, her face gently bronzed and highlighted. Her eyes were bare but her lashes were covered with mascara and dramatic false lashes. Her tight line was covered with a black eyeliner and the inner corner of her eye was highlighted with a shimmer shadow. Brooke's lips were covered in MAC Honeylove matte lipstick and everything was set with a setting spray.

Brooke was pacing around the room as both Natasha and Gia calmed her down.

"I'm just worried that he might show up! What if he does? What if he tries to ruin my entire wedding?" Brooke exclaimed. She still hadn't told the girls about her encounter with Scott in Las Vegas and since they had stayed at two guy's houses, they had no idea that Scott was ever even there.

"If he does, security will escort him out." Gia replied nonchalantly.

Due to Scott running around out of prison, James hired a few security guards for the wedding in case Scott did show up. Brooke protested but it didn't change anything.

Brooke took in a deep breath and finally stopped pacing before looking at Natasha, then Gia.

"Ok, I'm ready. I mean, my nerves are going crazy but doesn't every woman feel that way when they're about to get married?" Brooke stated, joking at the end.

Gia let out a soft chuckle as Natasha pulled out her cellphone, calling the wedding planner and telling her that Brooke was about to come outside.

Brooke's father suddenly walked into the room, staring at Brooke in awe.

"You look beautiful! Are you ready?" He asked in a soft voice. Brooke nodded her head twice as a huge grin was plastered on her face, preventing her from speaking.

"Ok, let's go."

Brooke, her father and the girls walked out of the room and towards the back door that led to the deck. The wedding was being held at Natasha's house back in Peshtigo since it was affordable and beautiful in the same sense.

James' groomsmen appeared from a hallway, holding out their arms for Natasha and Gia to take.

The men wore black tuxedos with red button down shirt underneath to match the girl's dresses.

The girls wore their red dresses with black satin heels and their hair was styled down in curls, the hair around their face was pulled back and clipped  to the back of their heads.

Natasha and Donovan walked outside first, two minutes later, Gia and Emmett also walked outside.

Brooke collected herself and made sure that not a hair was out of place and that her dress and makeup looked perfect before her father glanced over at her, waiting for a sign of assurance.

Brooke gave him a quick smile before they both walked outside and down the steps towards the backyard ceremony.

Light piano music was playing in the background as Brooke and her father walked across the white carpet path that lay on the grass, every person's eyes watching them carefully.

When they reached the end of the aisle, Brooke finally took in James appearance and when she saw him, her heart fluttered inside her chest.

He wore a black tailcoat with a white shirt underneath and black trousers. His hair was slicked to the side in a comb-over, which was different from his usual do.

Brooke and her father began to slowly walk down the aisle but it seemed like in a few seconds, Brooke's father was already handing her off to James.

"You look stunning." He whispered in her ear, his cool breath causing goosebumps to form across her body.

Brooke glanced up at him with a smirk before Natasha's father began to speak.

"We are gathered here today to watch as James Lancor and Brooke Eastwood exchange vows and begin their long life together."

Natasha's father looked at James, then at Brooke.

"Please repeat after me."

"I, James Lancor, take you, Brooke Eastwood, to have and to hold," James stated.

"For better or for worse," Brooke stated.

"For richer and for poorer,"

"In sickness and in health,"

"To love and to cherish,"

"As long as we both shall live,"

"I do."

"I do."

Before Natasha's father could even speak, Brooke and James were already kissing, everything around them disappeared as they got lost in each other.

When they pulled away, Brooke let out a quiet gasp and James chuckled before they finally turned and faced their guests.

Cheers erupted and the sounds of whistles and clapping was louder than ever.

Brooke had a huge smile on her face as she glanced up at James. She truly couldn't imagine herself being here with anyone else, even if she still may have feeling for Scott.

James glanced around the ocean of guests and before he stopped, something, more like someone, caught his eye.

Off in the distance, away from the other guests, stood Scott in a light blue button down shirt, a leather jacket and jeans.

His eyes were narrowed in James' direction but when he saw Brooke, his eyes softened and something else appeared.


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