Chapter 21

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When the plane landed in Massachusetts, Brooke already felt herself missing her little town but she was excited to start college. Not many people could admit that but she could.

After claiming her luggage, Brooke flagged down a cab to take her to campus where she would unpack.

When she arrived, she paid the driver and got out, heading towards the administration building. When she got inside, a woman sat behind a desk, typing on a computer.

"Hi um I don't know where my dorm is and I was wondering if you could give me that information." Brooke asserted. The woman nodded her head before asking for Brooke's full name. After giving it to the woman, Brooke received her dorm number and student I.D.

When Brooke walked across campus to the dorm building, she saw several other people who began to arrive on campus.

After searching the first floor, Brooke finally arrived at her room. When she walked inside, she quickly glanced around. There were two beds so Brooke assumed that she would have a roommate.

Within 15 minutes, Brooke had unpacked all of her things. She was about to leave but when she opened the door, she saw a blonde haired girl standing in front of her.

" Are you Brooke Eastwood?" She asked softly. Brooke nodded her head cautiously.

"I'm Gia Morelli. I'm your roommate."

Brooke welcomed her into the room and allowed her to unpack while they got to know each other. Gia was from New York and her family was apparently very well known on Wall Street.

After Gia unpacked, her and Brooke explored the campus some more.

"So what do you plan on majoring in?" Brooke asked. Gia plainly told her that she wanted to be a lawyer and Brooke stated that she did too.

The girls chatted some more about their personal lives and when His asked about Brooke having a boyfriend, both Scott and James appeared in her mind.

"Well I was dating this guy named Scott but he left me. He's dating some bitch in Russia now. His best friend, James, helped me get through the heartbreak and eventually, we got together."

Gia nodded her head once.

"That's rough. I mean, finding out that the man you loved, left you for another woman in another country? But atleast you're happy with James." Gia admitted. Brooke chuckled before glancing over at her.

"Yeah he's great."

James truly was great and as Brooke thought about him even more, she also couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if Scott was in that position, not James.


Later that night, Brooke and His were laying in bed, about to go to sleep when Brooke's phone started ringing.

She quickly picked it up, answering it.

"Hey. How is everything over there?" James asked through the phone.

"Great. I met my roommate. She pretty cool. I've got my schedule already and my student I.D. so everything is going pretty good at the moment."

James replied with a "hmm" and that resulted in Brooke asking him how things were going back home.

"Oh just the same old thing. This town is pretty quiet so you know that nothing bad really happens here. Your father misses you although he's trying to hide it." James stated with a quiet chuckle. Brooke withheld a laugh as she thought of her father sulking around the house.

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