Chapter 28

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The next morning, Brooke and James both got ready for the court hearing. They hadn't said much to each other but James did eventually apologize. Brooke accepted his apology but things were still awkward.

Brooke got dressed in a white t-shirt with a sheer lace back. She wore a pair of dark blue high-rise skinny jeans with rips at the knees and some black Steve Madden booties. Along with that, she grabbed a black leather jacket and a black YSL crossbody bag.

Brooke curled her hair before running her fingers through it, making it loose waves instead. Her makeup was natural, only including eyeliner on her tight line, mascara and false lashes, foundation and concealer. Her brows were filled in slightly and set with a gel and her lips were covered in a matte nude lipstick from MAC cosmetics.

James was dressed in a white button down shirt which the sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, and tan trousers with a black belt and black shoes. His hair was combed back and covered in a stiffening hair spray to add volume and keep it in place.

He wore his Rolex on his wrist and a gold chain around his neck. He doused himself in cologne and was ultimately ready to leave.

Brooke and James hailed a cab and ordered the driver to take them to the federal courthouse. The entire time, Brooke was shaking from nervousness. James squeezed her hand in comfort before giving her a reassuring smile, Brooke returning a smile as well.

When the arrived, news crews were everywhere. Suddenly, two men opened the door and pulled them out of the vehicle, rushing them inside the building through the crowd of paparazzi.

"Please follow me, miss." One of the men commanded as Brooke glanced around in confusion.

Brooke obliged and followed the men to a set of doors, with James following behind her.

The men pushed through the doors and Brooke glanced around, several people turning to look at her and James.

At the front of the room, Tanya and Scott were dressed in orange jumpsuits, handcuffs and shackles attached to their ankles and wrists.

Scott turned around and stared at Brooke, his face softening. Brooke gave him a small smile before she was directed to sit in a row, two rows behind him.

A few moments later, the judge arrived and everyone quieted down.

"I assume that the jury has come to their decision?" She asked before looking over at the jury.

An older man stood up, walked to the front of the room before handing a sheet of paper to the judge. The judge took it but didn't read it as she stared at Tanya first.

"Tanya Smirnov, on the account of wiretapping, the jury finds you guilty on all counts, sentencing you to five years in prison along with a $250,000 fine. On the account of perjury, the jury finds you guilty, sentencing you to three years in prison with the possibility of parole provided you are on good behavior."

Brooke's heart rate increased dramatically as the judge began to read her last offense.

"On the account of espionage, the jury finds you guilty on all counts, sentencing you to death without the possibility of a retrial."

Tanya looked like she was about to shit herself as she listened to the judge declare that she was going to die for her actions.

"Miss Smirnov, do you have anything that you would like to say before you are taken away?" The judge asked. Tanya stared at her for a moment before shaking her head.

Two guards walked up behind her, grabbing each arm before she was pulled along, out of the court room. The sound of the metal clanking together could be heard down the hallway before it finally stopped. From there, Tanya would be transported to Terre Haute, Indiana where she would be imprisoned until it came time for her to be lethally injected.

"Scott Evans, on the account of wiretapping, the jury finds you guilty, sentencing you to two years in prison with a $250,000 fine and a chance of making parole. On the account of perjury, the jury finds you not guilty."

Brooke sighed out of relief and glanced over at James who also looked relieved. He gave her a reassuring smile before both of them turned their attention towards the judge.

"On the account of first degree espionage, the jury finds you..."

The judge paused for a moment before speaking again and when she did, Brooke's heart stopped completely.

"Guilty, sentencing you to death."

Brooke shot up from her seat, her breathing becoming quicker and quicker as Scott glanced behind him, smiling sheepishly at Brooke.

"I'm sorry." He mouthed to her. A single tear fell down Brooke's face as she stared at Scott for one last time.

"I love you." Brooke mouthed back. Scott smiled at her but before they could do anything else, two guards began pulling Scott along, the chains rattling with every movement.

"Brooke?" James asked beside her but she didn't listen. Her whole body was numb and she couldn't hear anything except for a soft hum.

As Brooke watched Scott get taken away, every memory they'd ever shared, came flooding back into Brooke's mind. It hit her like a brick, as she grasped her forehead.

"What's wrong?" James asked frantically beside her but once again, Brooke couldn't hear anything.

Every memory Scott and Brooke ever had, came back to her thoughts. From the first time they met to the first time they kissed and the feeling it gave Brooke when they did so.

It was like a Tsunami in her head, it was worse than any migraine she'd ever had but before she even knew it, it was gone. The pain was gone and so was Scott.

Brooke glanced around quickly and saw James, a worried expression on his face.

But before she could ask what happened, her vision got blurry and the room got brighter and brighter until Brooke could no longer see anything.

Then she blacked out.

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