Chapter 7

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The entire week went by in a blur. It was the day before the first day of senior year and Brooke would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous.

"You have to promise me that you'll atleast visit me three times a week. I know that you'll also be busy but I can't stand to be away from you for long periods of time." Brooke confessed as she rested her head on Scott's chest as they both lay in the middle of the field.

"I promise." He said as he kissed the top of her head. The last week was spent getting to know one another and doing fun activities together.

When Brooke told Natasha about their relationship, Natasha wasn't the happiest considering all the warnings she gave Brooke. But eventually she dropped the subject, knowing how much Brooke hated to see her best friend not be happy for her.

Brooke sat up with the help of Scott before finally getting up.

"I should probably get home. It's getting late and tomorrow's my first day back." Brooke admitted as Scott wrapped his arms around her body, pulling her close to him as if he was never going to let her go.

They both walked back to their cars where they kissed each other goodbye before parting ways.


Later that night, Brooke couldn't sleep for shit. It was 12 o'clock at night and she had to be up in less than seven hours.

Quickly, she got up and walked downstairs where she sat on the front porch for some fresh air. Brooke looked around at everything that was around her. She half expected Scott's car to pull up any minute because he always knew when she was upset.

Just as Brooke was about to get up and go inside, a black sports car pulled up to the crib across the street and parked. It's headlights were off and the windows were tinted so dark that Brooke couldn't see anyone inside.

For a few minutes, the car just sat there. Brooke quickly ran inside and locked the door behind her before quietly running upstairs and grabbing her pistol from the nightstand.

She peeked out the window and the car was gone. Maybe they'd pulled over to talk on the phone? Or maybe they were checking for directions?

Brooke climbed back into bed and kept the gun within arms reach before slowly falling asleep.


Brooke woke up the next morning to the dreaded sound of her alarm clock blaring. She slammed the button on top of it with her hand and it finally stopped. Reluctantly, she got out of bed and got ready for school. She got dressed in a pair of dark blue skinny jeans with rips at the knees along with a grey t-shirt and a black leather jacket. She paired it with a pair of black heeled boots and some statement jewelry.

After she got dressed, she curled her hair then proceeded to do her makeup. It wasn't anything dramatic just something to give her an even complexion and cover up her blemishes. She also decided to add a nude lipstick, mascara and eyeliner on her tight line.

Brooke spritzed herself with perfume before grabbing her bag and cellphone and rushing downstairs. Her father was making coffee and offered her a cup which she gladly accepted.

After a few sips of coffee, she made a quick bowl of cereal, eating it quickly and then finishing her cup of coffee.

"Do you want me to drop you off?" Her father shouted as Brooke rushed upstairs.

"No that's fine. I can drive myself!" She shouted down the stairs at him.

Brooke quickly brushed her teeth thoroughly before heading back downstairs to collect her things.

"Have a good day a school!" Her father shouted from the kitchen.

"Thanks! You too!"

Brooke yanked the door open and headed for her car but much to her surprise, a certain blue Mustang was already in the driveway, gently idling.

Scott got out of the car in a sweatshirt and jeans as he walked up to her.

"Good morning." He murmured softly before his lips collided with hers.

"Good morning it is." Brooke replied in a challenging tone. Scott chuckled before pulling Brooke towards his car.

"I figured I could give you a ride on your first day." He stated as he held the passenger side door for her. Brooke got in the car and not long after, Scott did too.

The ride to school was short lived and when they arrived, Brooke was sad to leave.

"Pick me up after school?" Brooke asked. Scott nodded his head before giving Brooke a quick peck on the lips.

Brooke got out of the car and walked to the entrance doors before waving goodbye to Scott as he sped out of the parking lot.

When Brooke entered the building, she saw alot of familiar faces. She looked around and saw Natasha so she walked up to her.

"Hey!" She exclaimed happily. Natasha hugged her and gave her a warm smile.

"How have you been?" Natasha asked, trying to make conversation. Brooke shrugged.

"Scott got a job and so he's gonna be working alot. But other than that, things have been great."

Natasha nodded her head. It bugged her when Brooke talked about Scott is such a decent manner. She knew that he was hiding something but she didn't know what. All she knew was that it could be bad for both of them and Brooke just wasn't seeing it.

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