Chapter 4

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At the end of the day, Natasha dropped Brooke off at home with a few shopping bags. Brooke carried them inside and dropped them off in her room before pulling out the note that Scott had given her earlier.

She went to the contacts in her phone and added his name and number into her phone before turning it off for the night.

After dinner, she went back up to her room, exhausted from everything she'd done today.

Brooke changed into a tank top and running shorts before climbing into bed. Before she fell asleep, she turned her phone on and sent a quick text.

I added your phone number to my phone so you can text me anytime. Btw, this is Brooke, just so you know.

She then turned her phone off and drifted off to sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, the screen of her phone kept flashing. Brooke checked her notifications and saw that Scott had texted her back around two in the morning.


Brooke smiled and got out of bed to get dressed. Today, she chose a red ribbed tank top and white denim shorts with a pair of white Converse low tops. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail on the top of her head and curled each strand of hair. She left her hair up then proceeded to jog downstairs to the kitchen.

Brooke grabbed her purse and keys and was about to head out when she realized that her car was inoperable. So, she called a towing company and had them come pick up her car so that it could be taken to a repair shop.

After that, she still hadn't eaten breakfast but an idea popped into her mind.

Brooke pulled out her phone and dialled Scott's number, patiently waiting for him to pick up.

"Yeah?" He asked in a drowsy voice.

"Oh crap! You were sleeping weren't you? I'll just-"

"No it's fine. What do you need?" He asked in a more alert voice.

"Um well I was wondering if you wanted to go get breakfast with me? I haven't eaten and my cars in a repair shop right now so I have no way to get around..." She trailed off as she waited for his response.

"I'll be there in thirty minutes." And with that, he hung up.

Brooke had a smile upon her lips and she didn't know why but she knew it was because she would get to see him today.

Half an hour later, Brooke was sitting on the couch when someone blared their horn. Brooke walked towards the front door and saw that Scott had just pulled into the driveway. She grabbed her purse and her keys and headed outside, locking the door behind her.

When she got in, the smell of Scott's cologne engulfed the car. It was really strong but it smelled really good too.

"So where did you want to have breakfast?" He asked as he looked at her.

"There's this little cafe downtown that has amazing pastries."

Scott nodded his head once and backed out of the driveway, speeding down the street and towards downtown.

Brooke told Scott the name of the cafe once they got there and when they stopped, they both got out and walked inside.

Once they were seated at a table, they both ordered whatever they wanted.

"So... are you still in college?" Brooke asked as she desperately tried to start a conversation.

"No I graduated almost a year ago. Business degree." Scott stated. Brooke nodded and Scott inhaled a deep breath.

"What about you? Any specific college you want to go to?"

"Not really. University of Wisconsin doesn't sound bad but I dont know what I want to major in. I kinda want to be a lawyer but I dont know..." Brooke trailed off as she fidgeted with a sugar packet.

"That's fine. I didn't figure out my major until my sophomore year of college."

The waitress brought Brooke and Scott their breakfast and they ate in silence. When they were finished, Scott placed a twenty dollar bill on the table and they both left.

"Can I take you somewhere?" Scott asked suddenly before he started up the car. Brooke furrowed her brows was replied with a yes.

As Scott drove, Brooke noticed that they were out in the country and she started getting worried.

"Are we almost there yet?" She asked nervously. Maybe Natasha was right. Maybe there was something strange about him.

"Yeah just a few more minutes." Scott confirmed. Brooke looked out the window again until the car abruptly stopped. Brooke got out and followed Scott. They were near a wooded area and Brooke's heart began pounding inside her chest.

Scott turned around and stopped.

"You ok?" He asked, putting his hand on her shoulder. She nodded her head and Scott slowly turned back around and they continued walking through the trees until they finally stopped.

"You see that?" Scott asked as he pointed to an open field. Brooke looked up at him and back at the field.

"What about it?" She asked. Scott smiled at her and grabbed her hand, pulling her along until they were in the middle of the open space.

"When I was younger, I used to ride my bike out here all the time. My parents fought alot and it was a place where I could go to clear my head. It was peaceful. It was mine." Scott murmured as he occasionally glanced down at Brooke.

He was still holding her hand as he purposely fell down to the ground, pulling Brooke with him. A yelp escaped from her mouth along with a few laughs.

Brooke propped herself up on her elbows and stared at him in confusion.

"What was that for?" She questioned.

"Shhh. You hear that?" He asked as he gestured around them. Brooke paused for a moment before looking at him again.

"Hear what?"

"Peace and quiet. It's a nice break from all the chaos we have to endure every day." Scott admitted as he laid down in the grass.

Brooke stared at him as he stared at her. Soon she found herself leaning in and before long, her lips were pressed against his.

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