Chapter 6

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When Scott pulled into Brooke's driveway, he turned the key in the ignition before pulling it out and climbing out of the car. Brooke was already on the front porch unlocking the front door.

When she walked in, Scott looked around.

"Nice house." He stated in a soft voice as he grabbed Brooke's hand and fiddled with it. Brooke walked up the stairs to her bedroom with Scott behind her. When she walked in, he looked around like he did when he entered her home.

Brooke collapsed onto her bed with a sigh

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Brooke collapsed onto her bed with a sigh. Scott laid down next to her as they both stared at the ceiling.

"What's gonna happen to us?" Brooke asked suddenly. Scott looked over at her in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he propped himself up on his elbows.

"I mean when I'm in school. This is my senior year but I'm gonna be so busy. I doubt you'll want to wait around for me while I'm finishing up school." Brooke admitted.

Scott shook his head.

"We aren't having this talk. You wanna know why? Because I'm always gonna stick by you. I'll be with you whenever you want me to; I won't leave until you order me to." Scott confessed as he messed with Brooke's hand.

Brooke sat up and stared at Scott.

"You can't just put your life on hold for me! I don't want to be the reason that you miss a job opportunity or the reason you turn down starting a business." Brooke whined. Scott sighed.

"Brooke just please, listen to me." Scott demanded. Brooke groaned and fell back down on to the bed.

"I'm only dropping this topic because I don't want to argue with you but at some point, we are going to pick up on this topic again." Brooke stated. Scott chuckled before leaning in.

"Whatever you say, your majesty."

Scott then proceeded to press his lips to hers. As the kiss deepened, Brooke pushed Scott backwards so that he was laying flat on the bed and she was on top of him.

He sat up and Brooke was now sitting on his lap with her legs wrapped around his waist.

As they continued, they stopped abruptly by the sound of Brooke's dad entering the house.

Brooke's groaned and pulled away.

"We'll continue this later." Scott threatened as Brooke stood up. Scott stood up and straightened his clothes as did Brooke. They both walked downstairs and greeted her father in the kitchen.

"Dad, you know Scott already but I wanted you to formally meet him." Brooke asserted.

Her father stared at the man who was holding his daughter's hand.

He walked up to him and held his hand out. Scott firmly shook it before retrieving his hand.

"So you're my daughter's latest fascination?" He asked in a skeptical tone.

"Um yes sir. You could put it that way." Scott replied with a chuckle.

"Well, sit. Please." Brooke's father commanded as he gestured to the kitchen table that was to the left of them.

Scott sat down next to Brooke. Their hands remained together as it was a way to relieve Brooke's anxiety.

"So how did you two meet?" Her father asked. Scott looked at Brooke for permission to tell her father about the events that led up to them meeting.

"Well um it was the other day when she went to the beach. She was lying on a pool float and accidentally drifted out away from shore. Much further than she thought, actually. I saw her shouting for help while I was on a boat and came to her aid. When we got back to shore, I gave her a ride home."

Brooke's father looked at Brooke with a million questions.

"I didn't tell you because I knew you'd freak out." Brooke stated in a small voice.

"Your damn right! You could've drowned!"

Brooke felt bad as her father scolded her but she was glad that Scott was here to ease her worries.

"But I didn't. Scott saved me and I'm grateful for that." Brooke admitted as she gazed up at Scott with a genuine smile.

"Brooke, honey, can you go grab my wallet from the living room? Thank you."

Brooke got up and walked out into the living room looking for her father's wallet but after a few minutes of searching, she couldn't find it so she went back into the kitchen.

"It wasn't there, dad."

"Huh. I must've misplaced it." Her father replied in a confused voice.

"It was good meeting you Scott. You take care of my daughter." He threatened. Scott laughed and nodded his head in compliance.

Brooke walked Scott out to his car and when they stopped, Brooke grabbed his hand.

"What did he say to you while I was gone?" Brooke interrogated. Scott chuckled and glanced down at their hands as they intertwined.

"Oh just the usual father-boyfriend talk. Nothing too bad."

Brooke groaned but before she could complain, Scott captured her lips in a kiss.

"I love you." He whispered softly.


Brooke rested her forehead against his chest as he rested his chin on the top of her head.

"I don't think I could bare it if you left me. I've fallen for you already." Brooke confessed.

Scott looked down at her with adoration in his eyes.

"Good. Because I've fallen for you too. Don't worry about me leaving because it won't happen. Ever." Scott agreed.

Brooke pulled away and waved goodbye as Scott got in his car and backed out of the driveway. With one final wave goodbye, he disappeared down the street, never to be seen until the next day.

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