Chapter 27: Birthday

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Chapter 27: Birthday

-One month later-

I sat on the edge of my bed waiting for my body to fully wake up.


'Huh, who is it?'.


'Hey Yuri'.

She opened the door and revealed the breakfast tray in her hands.

'What's this'.

'Happy Birthday', She said with a bright smile.

'Wait.... it's my birthday', I quickly looked at the calender noticing it was the 13rd of September.


She set the food down on the table next to my bed.

'How did you know it was my birthday?'.

'…. Izo told me a while ago'.

'Hmmm... it's been three months since he left hasn't it'.

'Yea', She said quietly looking at the floor.

'I followed up a lead on Izo... it seems he was working as a second head butler at the Antonio family, he left one month ago. Right after Mr Antonio died in their hospital from a stab to the heart', Usui said walking in on us.

'A second head butler in two months?'.

'He was going under the name Lavi Sun'.

'Of course... no one would accept a job offer from the Igarashu family', Yuri said looking at the food on the table.

'Do you want some Yuri... you look like you haven't eaten for a while'.

'No.... it's fine I made my own... it's outside'.


'….. Where did you get this lead?', Yuri asked narrowing her eyes slightly at Usui.

'My friends cousins, daughter's, aunty's, cousins, dad'.


'Anyway.... have a great birthday', Usui said smiling at me.

'Yea, I will'.

'… Now then... Yuri do you mind getting out so I can get changed'.

'Oh right.... I'm sorry, by the way... no training'.


I looked at the breakfast Yuri had given me: poached pears covered in chocolate, scrambled eggs, toast, bacon and a glass of orange juice.

'Not bad for Yuri', I said to my self.

'I heard that', She said from down the hall.

'Oh dear....'.

I sat down in my bed and ate the breakfast in bed, leaving the best for last... Poached pears. I than got changed in blue jeans, a white shirt and a black trench coat.

'KIYOKO!', Someone said.

I heard fast footsteps come up from behind me. A pair of bone thin pale arms wrapped around my neck and chest.


I spun around and returned the hug.

'YUKI! WHY AREN'T YOU EATING, I'm serious Yuki, you have to eat more'.

She looked down at the floor.

'Can you really say that Kiyoko, you've lost 10 kilograms since he left. Anyway, Happy Birthday'.

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