Chapter 21: A Lazy 500 Each

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Might want to re read the chapter before becasue i noticed a massive mistake i made and had to rearranfe the whole two chapter with this and the last chapter. ^.^

Chapter 21: A Lazy 500 Each

Almost a whole month past following that routine, wake up, get ready, training, eat and sleep. Now am almost on par with Sakura when she used three quarters of her strength in her second form. I still stayed the same, my form hadn't changed in the last month but my body had, I have built up much more muscle and I became more pale from the lack of sunlight. My hair had grown slightly covering my left eye if I wanted it to but nothing interesting had happened in that month.

'Is this what they call the silence before the storm'.

'It would seem so'.

'Almost a whole month of no school too'.

'Do you want to go to school today, have a normal day'.

'Going to school is no longer normal'.


'But I'll go with everyone else including Jet and you'.

'Of course, ask the others'.

'I pretty sure they'll agree'.

Sakura and me stopped our training. We went to the other rooms and told the others, we had dinner together again along with Uncle and Aunty who still seemed to be hiding something big from me but I ignored it.

'So we're going to school tomorrow', Yuri asked as she took a bite out of the steak.

'Yes, atleast it won't be as awkward as it should be thanks to the duplicates', Usui said looking on the bright side.

'I guess', Yuki answered.

'I hope it's fun, I mean you're all getting away from the consistent fighting even if it's with us', Meldy smiled.

'Yeah, you guys have fun tomorrow', Tsuna said poking the peas with his fork.

'At least you guys won't have more injuries to add to your already very long list', Jet said.

Stud nodded along with everything with his eyes closed and arms crossed.

'Stud is gay', I said taking advantage of him.

He nodded until he took in what I said.

'YOU!' Stud said smiling.

He leapt across the table and held me at the collar.

'Please don't do that', I said as I froze his hand while laughing.

'Izo... stop it', Aunty said.

I smiled and melted the ice off his hand. Everyone laughed, or at least smiled.

'We don't need “normal” lives to be happy', I said between my laughing fits with everyone.

I woke up the next day nervous.

'Wow I never thought I'd say this but I feel nervous about going to a school I've been going to for so long already'.

'It's simply because you haven't gone for a while'.

'I guess'.

I waited out the door for Kiyoko after breakfast.

'Well do you plan on going?', I said as she stood up from her seat.

'I wonder who'll get there faster'.


'Don't leave us out', Yuri and Usui said.

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