Chapter 14: Little Break

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Chapter 14: A Little Break

I woke up as Sakura was fastening the necklace I gave her around my neck.

'Sorry I woke you up, but I thought you might need this a lot more than me'.

'Thank you'.

There was a rubbing against my wrist.

'This is?'.

A silver and yellow chain was locked and wrapped around my bandaged right wrist.

'Angel's lock, it will seal an amount of your Paragon until you unlock it. You are too strong without that lock also when you went in your other form you regained some of your pasts memories correct'.

'Yes, so far I don't like them'.

'Heh, Jet hated his'.

'What did he do that was so bad'.

'You don't want to know'.


I looked at the date.

'You slept like a baby through the night, were you sleep deprived?'.

'A little, I was thinking of things'.

'I see'.

'How do I unlock the lock'.

'I gave the key to unlock it to a certain person that you trust. When the battle is dire enough they will unlock your chain'.

'I can't have it myself'.

'You will overuse it. You'll wake up all your memories'.

'Fine, I can't know this person can I'.

'Of course not'.


'Anyway you still have your break, get ready to go to school considering you've woken up'.

'Then can you get out so I can change'.

'Oh right'.

She left embarrassed. I washed my face and got changed when I heard a knock at the door.

'Yea just a sec let me put my shirt on'.

I opened the door.

'Kiyoko, is something wrong'.

'No... nothing it's just that breakfast is ready'.

She looked at my wrist.

'What's that', she said pointing at my chain.

'Angel's lock it's seal to stop me from using my full powers and use that form that you saw me in yesterday'.

'Ah okay'.

'Since Kiyoko had no idea what the Angel's lock was she can't have the key'.

'Do you want to go somewhere tomorrow, it's the weekends and all', she asked blushing slightly.

'Huh, uhh'.

'Just as friends'.

'Ah yea sure'.

We walked together to the dining room.

'Rice with soup today master, madam', a servant said as we walked in.

'Izo, Kiyoko', Uncle said looking at us briefly than looking back down at his food.

We sat down and ate in an awkward silence until Usui came in.

'Yo, what's with the awkwardness'.

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