Chapter 10: My Resolve

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Chapter 10: My Resolve

'We won't be training today', Sakura said.

Only me and her were in the room painted a yellowish



'I need to teach you to use your Paragon properly'.

'I can't use it do you know this, you have never seen me use it'.

'I don't need to, your resolve is very weak though not the weakest it is still very very weak'.


'You need a very powerful resolve to be able evolve into a higher level Paragon user'.

'You didn't tell the others this because?'.

'They already knew apart from Yuki though she has the strongest resolve'.


'What's your resolve?', She asked with a smile.

'I don't have one', I sighed.

'Lies.. that's the worst lie I have ever heard... you have one you just have to find it'.


'I can't help you with that anyway until you learn your resolve go and watch the others train'.


'You can't fight well without a resolve'.


I was very annoyed at myself, annoyed to the point of insulting myself.

'Heh makes sense I can't even find my own resolve... that's how useless I am '.

I went up level by level to see everyone train.

'What are you doing here', Usui asked.

'I can't train until I find my resolve'.

'You'll find it soon, I'm sure of it'.

'Resolve is about what you want to do in your heart, you'll find it no matter what anyway', Jet advised, Jet went straight in for an attack right after he said that, Usui wasn't ready and was driven straight into the wall.

'USUI!!' I yelled.

He looked at me smiling.

'It's okay Izo, I want to do this to become stronger.. this is my resolve I hope it helps you with your'.

'Get your ass out of here', Jet yelled angrily.

'Okay, I'm out'.

I than went up to Yuri's floor.

'Izo.. what are you doing here'.

'Observing everyone else's resolve'.

'You're not allowed to train without a resolve are you'.

'No... I need to find my resolve'.

'Funny, I already know yours I think everyone does but you don't know it yourself'.

'What.. tell me than'.

'What's the point, will it really be a resolve when someone told you. You have to find your resolve your self'.

'Very true', Stud said.

Yuki's sword formed and she charged at him, he blocked her with one hand while still looking over at me. I went up to Otami's level. The room was filled with lava on one side and water on the other.

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