Chapter 26: Oh dear... Wrong Person

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Chapter 26: Oh dear.... Wrong Person

'What, there was another person with her', I heard a man say.

I grabbed the bow out of her hands and shot him in the back. He fell into a pile of leaves which had gathered with time.

'Heh, silly person', I said smiling.

I gave the bow back to Krystal and made her sit down on a tree trunk. I than walked over to the man on the floor.

'Well I'll be taking you back'.

I ripped the arrow out of his back and slung him casually over my shoulder.

'Krystal are you coming'.

She looked at me awfully pale and nodded slightly. I held her hand and walked back to the main house with the man slung over my shoulder.

'I-is he d-dead'.

'No, of course not he's merely unconscious, I made sure of it'.

I opened the doors and walked through the manor into the masters office.

'I think you may need to up your security master', I said as I walked into his office and threw the man onto the ground. Still holding Krystal's hand a pushed her forward into her closer to her father.

'What is this'.

'Someone who just tried to assassinate your daughter master'.

His eyes widened in shock.

'You killed him'.

'Oh no, no, that's not what I do he's alive, I made sure of that'.

'Than what did you do to him, he has a wound to his back'.

'He's unconscious, he'll come around in about 5....4......3......2.......1'.

'Uhh what, where am I god my back burns'.

'You! How dare you attempt to hurt my daughter'.

He walked over and kicked him in the stomach.

'Hmmm... master I think I'll do a better job at this, have you a room that no one uses'.

'A fourteen year old shouldn't have to see this'.

'I do not know master, I am quite a messed up fourteen year old'.

He looked at me, eyes filled with worry.

'What happened to you that was so bad'.

He went back to his desk and ran his finger under the top of the table.

'Well than'.

A staircase revealed itself.

'That is quite secretive master'.

'You can use that room, the tools are down there'.

'Thank you'.

I dragged him with me down the stairs making sure I knocked his head on every step.

'Bad decision'.

He fell unconscious by the time I was on the floor below. I noticed the sound of something turning and the flickering of fire.

'This is quite a torture chamber'.

There was a surgical table in the middle with straps on it. I threw him onto the table and strapped him up as tight as I could without cutting circulation. The staircase went back up again sealing me and him in until I opened it.

'Well than shall we get started'.

'This is quite heartless Master'.

'What would you expect, those memories changed me'.

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