Chapter 28: Birthday Present

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Chapter 28: Birthday Present

There were sparks in front of me, I saw white feathers around me. I noticed a hand grabbed onto the trident keeping it away from harming me and another stretched out shielding me. There was fire on this persons back, a white coat and a mask with beck like mouth. He smiled slightly as looked to the side as he casually pushed her away into the tree behind us.

'Happy Birthday Kiyoko'.

He hugged me tightly and put something on my neck.

'A necklace'.

It was a silver thin chain with a purple crystal shaped as a snow flake.

'To think that I'm away for three months and you've become this skinny...', He said quickly surveying me.

His wings stretched out and he flew towards Honey Dew. He held our his sword ready for anything.


I walked towards the person I had just thrown, I kept my sword out just in case something bad happened.

'Maybe I was a little to hard..'.

I saw her hand twitch.

'Getting ready for you attack?'.

I readied myself but made sure I looked unprepared. She flipped around showing a box for an eye and brandishing the trident from before.

'Ah so that's why Sakura isn't fighting you... you're a guardian too'.

She thrust her trident in the direction of my head but I caught it before it even got close.


Her other hand was forming something else looked like a bee hive. Wait.. it was a bee hive. She pegged it at me but I froze it before it managed to break.

'Might not wanna do that'.

I crushed the bee hive under my food and killed every bee in it.

'Hmm... so that's why I hate bees'.

I walked over to her and iced over both of her hands. She squirmed attempting to break the ice.

'Trust me, you can't break it'.

'Screw you!', She spat at me.

I engulfed my claw in cold blue flames and moved it closer to her mouth.

'Not the best of languages to use'.

She narrowed her eyes.

'Questo me Quivalado', She whispered.

Her eyes glowed honey yellow and holes began to show in her body small wholes. The buzzing sound from before began to come back almost as if they were coming from the wholes in her arms, legs and face.

'Hmm, a trick'.

Bees began to pour out of her body, her eyes shone even brighter as more and more came out.

I watched in silence as an army of bees came from her honey covered body. The bees swarmed around the cuffs I formed around her hands the struck it with their stingers which normally wouldn't do anything but with the amount of bees there were would destroy the thing in seconds. I heard her laugh slightly as the sound of cracking ice was added to the layers of buzzing sounds.

'Don't underestimate me... boy'.

I smiled slightly accepting her challenge.

'Likewise', I grinned.

The honey on her body began to form wings on her back. There was a honey crown on her head that looked like glass. She had a yellow and black corset along with black tights underneath. Her shoes were made of honey making her feet visible through the honey.

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