Chapter 7: Past Story

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Chapter 7: Past Story

The Past

I went on a school camp a year ago. All of the students accept for Itachi and me never came back.

'Yo, Itachi which cabin ya staying in' I asked.

'Cabin number 4'.

'Woah really, me too'.

'Yea good isn't it'. Back then Itachi and me were best friends. We did heaps of things together but after that camp he became a bully.

'Urgh this food taste horrible, how is it edible' Itachi said.

'I don't know for me it's not that bad I like some of the food'.

'Anyway, watcha gonna do today'. He asked.

'Well, my rotations are beach, free time and going to the zoo, why'.

'No reason just asking', He sighed.

'Hey, what’s wrong'.

'Nothing only that I'm only in one of the activities you're doing'.

'Eh really, damn today's gonna be boring'. The day ended with a camp fire, me and Itachi were sitting together when the teachers started to fall like flies, than the students.

'Tranquilizers' Itachi said.

'Yea, I know'. Two men in black came out.

'Shit, who are they'.

'How the heck would I know', Itachi answered. Next thing I knew Itachi and me were tied up and in a car, the boot.

'What they left all the others, why did they take us'.

We were both wriggling our hands to get free. 'If only I had my knife' I sighed. All of a sudden the car stopped the boot door opened.

'Get up!' The man said. We obeyed quickly.

'What do you want' Itachi said fearfully.

'Meh, nothing to do with you'.

'Tell me now' Itachi said forgetting his own position. They hit him in the stomach with the hilt of their sword.

'Yes a sword I could use it', I thought.

I finally decided to use the technique Instructor toad me to get free of rope, I charged for the sword. I quickly disarmed the man and had the sword in my hand.

'Oi, watch out the kids coming'.

'Itachi get up'. He did, I sliced his ropes to let him go.

'I'm not staying here, see ya later Izo' He said.

'Oii Itachi stay here help me'.

He pretended not to hear me and kept running.

'Guess he lives up to his name', I thought bitterly.

'Oii, your friend is a wimp he ran away leaving you here by yourself, there is no point on running after him, we don't need him anyway only came here for you' the man said.

'What do you want from me', I asked carefully choosing my tone to make sure I didn't demand them to tell me.

'Nothing only to do the exact same thing we did to your sister'.

'What did they do to Yuri, what have they done to her that they want to do to me'.

One of the more bigger men of the group came at me, I quickly had him on the floor with a slice to calf and thigh.

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