Chapter 13: Humming Song

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Chapter 13: Humming Song

I sat in the training room waiting for Sakura. The door slid open slowly.

'Yo', I greeted her.

'Hello', she answered.

She was wearing the necklace I gave her.

'You got better yet'.

'Yes, thank you for helping me yesterday'.

'It's all good'.

'Change into your form', she said.

I took the pills out of my pocket and swallowed one. As soon as the electricity stopped she charged. 'Stop holding back come at me with your all'.

'Easier said than done'.

I side stepped as she threw a spear at me. I summoned a sword and quickly vanished and appeared behind her. As I was about to swing my arm froze.

'White death?'.

'Always watch your surroundings even when you're about to attack'.

I quickly melted the ice and resumed my attack.


She disappeared appearing behind me attempting to knee me in the back.

'Am I really that slow'.

I changed the colour of my ice to a dark blue, flipped my sword around and cut her arm.

'Weak... more killing intent'.

'Maybe I don't'.

She quickly grasped her arm where she had been cut.

'I was thinking about how to hurt you and I thought I might try and attack the source of the pain'. She smiled, 'It works, I can no longer be careless with you and your sword'.

Her wound had already healed up. As I was about to cut her shoulder there was a loud explosion, I faltered and was kicked back into the ground.

'What was that'.

'No idea'.

A high sound rung through the air.


I grasped at my head and fell onto my knees, Sakura faltered lowering slightly to the ground.

'Heh, Humming Bird', She was obviously pained but she didn't seem to show it as much as me.

'Shit my head feels like it's gonna explode'.

'You really like to say shit don't you'.

The door exploded as a man with a bird beck mask walked in.

'Jackpot', The man said.

'What do you want?', Sakura asked.

'That boy', he said pointing at me smiling.

'Why do you want me'.

My head still ached but I managed to stand up.

'You'll find out', The man answered.

Sakura charged but she seemed to move over missing him barely.

'What are you doing you didn't even move'.

'No you did'.

'He's using sound waves to control her'.

Sakura tried to attack him again but missed as she moved away.

'SAKURA!, He's moving you with his sound waves'.

'Smart boy', The man said.

'I'm just observant'.

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