Chapter 8: Cherry Blossums

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Chapter 8: Cherry Blossoms

The Present

Yuri's eyes were filled with tears, Usui was standing there practically mouth open, everyone else was clearly shocked.

'Y-you went through all of that and you didn't even bother to tell anyone', Yuri asked.

She came over from her corner raised her hand and hit me in the head.

'Hey, that actually really hurt'.

She was crying her eyes out, it's hard to make Yuri cry. The sun was coming up.

'We need to find Sakura, she clearly knows more about our power than we do so we need her help', Yuki said.

'You're right, there is no point in knowing someone can help you but not accepting their help', Usui answered.

'Manager, what's your power?', I asked.

'You don't need to call me Manager, Otami is fine'.

'Thank you, though what is your power'? I asked again.

'I can control the 5 senses'.

'Show us', Yuki said suddenly getting excited.

Suddenly the room was engulfed with ice on one side and fire on top of the ice... one the other side there was water. I just began to take it in when she clicked her fingers and it disappeared as fast as it appeared

'Damn, that's one good power', Usui said.

'Thanks', she said smiling at the ground.

'I feel like I'm forgetting something about Sakura...right Cherry blossom trees'.

I ran to the cherry blossom park as quickly as I could.


She turned around, brown hair, pale skin and yellow eyes.

'Can I help you?', she asked.

I stood for a bit catching my breath.

'Do y-you remember me?'.

'Hmmmm..'. She looked at me for a bit.

'Last year... you were the boy I saved last year!'.

'Yea, that's me'.

'I told you you would need to find me again one day, just a lot earlier than I expected'.

'We need your help'.


'Yea the other paragon users I know'.

'What for'.

'We need to learn more about the Paragon'.

'Wait what Paragon, you know about Paragon'.

'Yea I did go through that torture'.

'They must have gone crazy with you', she said.

'They didn't with you?'.

'No I got Paragon from..... something else'.

'Ahh... anyway will you come with me'.

'Yea I've been needing to tell you something anyway, where's your house', she answered.

'This way', I said gesturing in the direction of the manor.

We walked to my house to be greeted by Yuri.

'Who is this', Yuri asked.

Usui walked up behind her.

'Yea, who's this'.

'That's Sakura right', Kiyoko asked.

'Yea it's Sakura'.

'And you are?'.


'You're lying'.

Kiyoko stood there for a bit stunned.

'What do you mean'.

'You aren't Kiyoko well at least Kiyoko is not all you are'.

'Why do you know'.

'I'm not stupid enough not to know the daughter of the leader of Phoenix users'.

'What?!?! you're the daughter of the Phoenix users'.

'Yea.. sorry I didn't tell you, it's not common knowledge almost no one knows'.

'It's okay everyone has secrets'.

'Anyway what's your name boy, you never told me last year or just then'.

'Right I'm Izo Igarashu, you've already meet Kiyoko, that's Usui, that's Yuri, Yuki and that's Otami' I said while gesturing to everyone.

'Hmm'. She looked at us for a minute and sighed obviously disappointed. 'To think the futer of the world is in your hands'.

'What', Otami asked curiously.

'In your current state you won't be able to defeat the leader of the Akuma, you'll need to start training.. all of you'.

She clicked her fingers creating a white portal behind her. Five other people stepped out of the portal appearing out of nowhere.

'These will be your tutors'.

She swished her hand and the portal disappeared. I looked at the people examining, there was a woman with pale skin, green eyes, black hair and was tall, a man with white hair, dragon eyes, red hair and a red tattoo on his right shoulder, a young man with black hair and black eyes, a young lady with black hair, phoenix eyes and reddish fire like colour tinged into all her clothes and a man with long black hair with a sword strapped to his wrist.

'This is Kara (green eyes), Jet (red eyes), Meldy (phoenix eyes) Tsunayoshi (black eyes) and Stud (long hair)'.

'We still want to know more about Paragon', Usui asked squinting his eyes slightly.

'Well you all have your powers because you created another you in a parallel world.

'This other you bears all your pain and suffering, ever wondered why you haven't felt nearly as much pain as you should. Phoenix and Dragon Paragon type users are different compared to everyone else's duplicate. But so far that's all I know'.

'So we have another us.. like a twin', Kiyoko asked.

'What about the enemies?' Usui asked.

'The Akuma... they're are the people of hell every once in a while you'll see a pawn of Lucifer. They are heaps stronger and well in your current state you can't do anything about them'.

'Lucifer, just what I thought so Lucifer is linked to all this', Yuri said.

'He's the mastermind of this whole plan on over taking God... he will be a very hard one to beat. Even if you all get to your full potential it's only around a 0.00000023% that you can even beat him'.

'He's that strong', Yuki asked.

'He was one of God's top angels, of course he'd be that strong'.

'So, we're pretty much dead', I said pessimistically.

'Don't think about it that way all though we are the minority we can still win there's a 0.00000023% that we will win', Usui answered.

'Whether we do this if not we all might as well be dead', Meldy suddenly sighed.

'Yea, it's true if he does win we'll all become the people of hell... The Akuma', Jet said worryingly.

'Anyway, shall we start', Kara asked.

'Before we start we need to know your Paragon to match you up with the best tutor', Tsunayoshi said smiling.

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