Chapter 25: Butler?

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Chapter 25: Butler?

-2 months later-

I stood next to the master in my tailcoat holding a tray piled with foods the master liked.

'Your snack, Master'.

I set the tray down and moved the things onto his table.

'Thanks', He said staring at me smiling. 'For someone who just started working here two months ago you've come quite far already being second butler'.

I pulled the white gloves on my hands up saving them from becoming smothered with cake.

'I've only come this far because of your grace Master'.

'And your talent Lavi'.

I lied about my name when I asked for the job... I mean who would accept a member of the Igarashu family to become their servant. Lavi Sun was my name for now.

I heard the door open.

'Lavi, you are need in the kitchen', one of the lower ranked servants called politely.

I looked at my master and bowed.

'I shall be back with your food at dinner'.

I picked up the tray and left the room.

'Jeez, for a fourteen year old you sure know your etiquette'.

'Heh, I don't know I was just raised this way'.

'Sun, hurry up I need your help'.

I stopped in my tracks..... 'Please don't call me Sun'.

'Just hurry up and come here'.

I walked over to the pot of soup threatening to boil over.

'Aren't you meant to be a chef'.

Turning the heat down I tested the soup.


I added extra spices and herbs along with the vegetables and meat. I walked away and looked into the oven to see a mud cake burning. I noticed myself sighing.

'Is it that your do not know how to cook', I rested my head on my palms.

I ripped the oven lid off and threw the cake out with out a second look. I went over to the pantry taking out the chocolate, milk, sugar, flour and egg. I than took out the other necessary things to cook the new cake. As I asked someone else to temper the milk and white chocolate I stirred the soup and added the pasta and lemon juice.

'Experimenting Lavi?', I noticed someone saying behind me.

'Krystal.... what are you doing in the kitchen', I said with my back to her.

'I wanna be in here, so I'm in here'.

'Don't blame me if you get hurt'.

I walked past her back to the chocolate well on it's way to the form I wanted it. Runny so that if I put it on a spoon it would run off it like ribbon.

'A little longer....'.

I began to mix the actual cake mixture adding egg, milk, flour and very finely chopped chocolate. I went to check on the soup while holding the bowl of mixture. I put the cake mixture into the make tray and put it into the oven for twenty minutes. I than took the chocolate off the heat and let it sit and cool down.

'What do you want', I said averting my attention from the cooking to Krystal.

'Help me with my training'.

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