Chapter 12: Sakura's Secret

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Chapter 12: Sakura's secret

'Wow to think Yuri researched me this much', I thought while eavesdropping outside.

'You know it's not really nice to eavesdrop on someone else's conversation', Usui said.

'I'm not a nice person'.

'You are Sakura, you just need to show it'.


I left for the training rooms when I ran into Izo's Uncle.

'Izo's friends, I'm guessing'.

'Not really more like a tutor'.

'Try your best not to let too much of your Paragon out on him, I want him alive for now'.

'You don't plan on telling him about you'.

'When the time comes I will, now is not that time'.

'You sound so old saying that'.

'I'm old after all'.

I sighed, 'Does Celia (Aunty), know about Izo yet'.

'She was the first to find out, when he came back from the hospital that day she knew instantly'. 'Smart woman'.

Celia walked up the hall way.

'Yes I am a smart person, hence why this family is where it is now', She said greeting us.

'Quite a modest leader are you not'. She laughed.

'Izo's seems to be progressing very quickly, somehow he was able to learn how to change his ice colours, I haven't even changed the colour of my ice in battle with him yet so I have no idea how he learnt it'.

'Most likely from his past life, I sure hope he doesn't gain the memories of his past life', Yukio (Uncle) remarked.

'Anyway I'll be taking my leave, night'.

'Bye', Celia answered waving at me.

I closed the door locking it behind me as I walked into the secret room in the training rooms.

'I don't understand how he was able to summon a ice demon, I can't even summon them. Even if he was someone important in his past life.... in 4 days, it shouldn't be possilbe. Even more he didn't seem to be tired at all from summoning one'.

I went over to the wardrobe picking out a long button up shirt for sleep.

'Only one other ice user in this time is able to use any type of demon and that was Kyoto'.

'This can't be right, who was he in his past life'.

'You're talking about Izo', Meldy asked while sliding the door open.

'Yea, I can't figure it out, he can already summon an ice demon after 4 days of training'. 'Maybe he's a fast developer'.

'In 4 days, it took Kyoto 10 years to learn it'.

'I'll hack into the Parallax system to find the dragon users of last lifetime'.

'They're getting a lot tougher on they're security, they killed a someone because they hacked into system, I suggest you don't. Maybe we might see who he was as we watch him progress'.

'I won't hack in but I really hope you're right about Izo'.

She left the room.

Jet walked in shortly after the sound of her foot steps vanished.

'All of my previous lives were etched into my memory and I've never seen a dragon user that has a power anything like Izo's, I think he might be the first real ice dragon'.

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