Chapter 24: Run

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Chapter 24: Run

I woke up to a loud bang just outside my room.

'What's that'.

Kiyoko appeared in my room just as I was getting out.

'What was that', I asked.

'Explosion...', She said as if it was normal.

I ran outside to see a massive hole in the wall outside my room. The night was cold as I felt the night breeze coming through the hole in the wall. Black flames began to spew in, I felt the evil coming from the flames.

'Itachi', Usui said as he walked up behind me.

'Oh, so they did train him', Kiyoko stated.

'Kori no Tsume'.

I changed my form along with everyone else who was there. Yuri came running when she felt us changing forms and changed hers as she came to a stop too. Usui and Kiyoko's form had stayed the same but Yuri never had a form before. She had blue flamed wings, her hair was tipped with the same blue as the flames, her eyes had changed to a light blue and her fringe was held up much like Sakura's in her second form. Seven bandages came through the hole clearly aimed at me. I cut them down but they formed more bandages. Two of them managed to wrap them selves around my arms but were quickly frozen and sliced with Usui's claw. I stretched my own claw and ran out through the hole preparing to be bombarded with attacks from Itachi. Three black beams came straight at me as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. I blocked them and set several ice metal feathers in the direction they had come from. I noticed my feather go up in blue flames as they were further away from me. I heard a yell as they hit Itachi and burnt him. He sent several more beams that were blocked by Kiyoko's water wall. I heard another yell along with a slicing sound, I looked back to find Usui had disappeared. I heard the electricity spark and electrocute him.

'Okay, that's for the bruise you gave me on my stomach'.

I heard someone laughing in the distance. I flash stepped to where Usui was to find him held up to a tree with black flaming bandages. I turned around to find Itachi behind me. I cut him deeply with my claw but he laughed at the pain. My eyes widened as I noticed his new form. The bandages were still wrapped around his body but they were torn in some places revealing his new scars. Instead of just black flames they were rimmed with a red glow while his eyes had become red slit and his hair had become very long with the same type of colouring as his flames. His teeth were demon like, pointed and unbelievable sharp.

'Interesting', Paragon said.

I quickly flapped my wings to put some distance in between us. I sent five metal feathers at him which he flicked away casually laughing.

'Well, haven't you become quite strong'.

I noticed Yuri and Kiyoko behind me planning something. I drew him away from them and created a dragon. I etched the details into my mask changing my form again to my ice-flame form. I sent four ice and fire beams at him. He blocked them with his bare hand but let go as soon as the burning sensation hit him. I summoned the demon, it smiled as it formed and went straight at Itachi. He blocked it's attack with his sword and then sent a beam through it's stomach. It flinched slightly but the hole healed up in seconds. She laughed as she managed to land a deep cut on his forehead which she than followed with the same hole he had put in her stomach. He laughed at the pain again and pushed her sending her flying into the side of the wall. Kiyoko and Yuri charged at him from behind but were restrained by the same bandages he used on Usui before they could even get close to him. He laughed at he looked at me.

'Aren't you a little pitiful, getting your family and friends to do your work but every single one of them fails miserably'.

I smiled as he said that.

'Who said they failed'.

He screamed as a ball of water charged with electricity formed around.

'Just joking', He smiled evilly and manically.

The water fell apart along with the electricity. The flames that were meant to come in disappeared before the were even 2 metres away from him.

'In case you didn't notice, I no longer feel pain'.

'You know my trainer said that but I've made her fall on her knees in pain', I answered.

I appeared behind him holding my sword and changing my claw into a deep blue ice. I cut his back than thrust me claw into his stomach under the wound from before.

'Your copying what Kanda did to you', Paragon asked.

'No I'm doing the exact opposite', I said sarcastically.

He screamed as I attacked his core of pain. I ignited the flame particles while my claw was still inside his stomach. He screeched in pain even more as I pulled my hand out laving the flame particles going. When just my finger tips were in his wound I swirled my hand around burning any flesh which hadn't been been burnt yet. I smoke coming from the burning made me tear up, I froze the tears and shaped them into extremely pointy dark blue triangles and forced them into the back of his leg causing him even more pain.

'This is around how much pain Yuri, Usui and Kiyoko are feeling all together'.

He jumped off my hand and turned around biting my arm.

'What the hell'.

I felt something go inside my arm and mix with a blood stream.

'You can't be serious, poison'.

I began to feel light headed. I felt something else in my body something that was controlling me. I felt myself being pushed out and something else taking over. I heard my lock break and fall onto the ground.


Even outside of my body I felt and evilness take over. I felt the evil smirk on my mouth, the laugh that was coming up and the felt Itachi's blood as I cut his head clean off his body.


My own body ignored what I told it to do and charged for Usui, I saw my own claw go straight through him and the tree behind him. I felt his blood on my face as he coughed it up. I looked into his eyes to see the surprise. I laughed at him and went to Yuri, I saw the look on her face as she registered what I just did, I saw her struggle to get away from me. I ran my claw over her body than put more pressure on her cutting her all over her.

'Please.... Izo, stop', She said as I cut her.

I mimicked the cuts my torturers gave me but deeper. I moved on from her as she lost consciousness. I went over to Kiyoko and saw the look on her face.

'No don't don't hurt her', I begged myself.

She but her ropes and stood up. What surprised me is that she hugged me next.

'Please Izo, I know you're in there. So come back and beat the thing you are at the moment'.

She ignored the burns I was giving her from my wings. I felt the evilness go away, it disappeared as fast as it appeared.

'I'm sorry'.

I pushed her away and flash stepped into Sakura's room, I took the other Demon's lock putting one on immediately and stuffing the others into my pocket. I than flash stepped out of her room and into mine. I grabbed the emergency kit I prepared for myself in case something happened and ran out to the balcony. I formed my wings and flew away, as far away from the manor as possible. I looked at Kiyoko tending to Yuri and Usui one last time before I ran, I ran away from my own home so I wouldn't have to hurt anyone else anymore.


Yo! finally figured out how to link the story to my awesome idea ^.^ anyway hope you like it comment vote yea yea yea \(^.^)/

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