Chapter 29: Back together....

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Chapter 29: Back together....

I heard a gust of wind behind us with a large amount of power.

'Aunty... Uncle', I said as I turned around and bowed deeply not even looking at them.

'Izo...', Aunty said slowly.

'I'm so sorry, I'm sorry', I knelt on my knees and bowed apologising.

'Get up.... you idiot', Uncle said slapping me on the back.

Aunty wrapped her arms around me and cried.

'Please.... please don't ever do that again'.

'I won't', I said returning the hug.

Everyone else joined in on the hug laughing and crying.

'Oh by the way, your cleaning up the thirty or so thousand Akuma', Uncle said smiling.

'Wait what!'.

'I hope it's done by this morning', Aunty said smiling happily.

'No... to many'.

'You managed to kill them I'm sure you can clean them up.... and that's not just Izo too.... E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E'.

We all moaned and laughed.

'Well than.... shall we get to it', I said clapping my hands together.

Yuki moved her finger in circular motion forming hurricanes all around the place picking up Akuma from every direction. She dropped them all into middle of the field. Kiyoko flicked her water at me.


'What?', she held her hand up to her mouth hiding her smile and laugh.

I sent a small snow ball at her head.


'I'm sorry did I do something?', I said innocently.

I narrowed my eyes playfully with a mischievous smile. I created snow, letting it fall onto the ground.

'Well than, now that i've set the right..... atmosphere, SNOWBALL FIGHT!!!!'.

I scooped up a snow ball and pegged it at her face. She quickly ducked down and threw one at me, I dodged and it hit Usui back. He turned around.

'Good to see you two working so hard', he said smiling.

He picked up a snow ball and threw it at Yuri back, she turned around and caught it throwing it back to him. Yuki was still spotless, she was completely oblivious of what was happening behind her so we all grabbed one and looked at each other. We smiled and threw them at her. A whirl of wind came up behind her and stopped them mid air but kept them in the air.

'It's not nice to sneak up on someone....', she laughed... evilly.

The wind changed direction and blew the snow balls into out faces.

'How kind', I said smiling.

I looked at my watch, 4:30am. 'We should make haste...', I said.

Yuri looked at me.

'Well, I've never heard you say that before'.

'Wow, being a butler for a month can do that to you', I said noticing the slight smirk on her face.

I smiled brightly and threw a snow ball at her face.

She was stunned and the snow slid off her face.

'Dashing Yuri', I said.

Everyone burst out laughing and almost fell to the ground. This was how I lived now, yes there was an occasional battle but I stayed with my friends all the time, the people I loved and wanted to protect and help.

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