Chapter 2: This Strange Power

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Chapter 2: This Strange Power

I woke up to the sound of the bells. They seemed as if they were a tiny bit louder today but not so loud they would cause me discomfort but they were still louder than usual and it annoyed me. I was about to get up when I heard Usui and Yuri waking up beside me. Yuri looked up at me her eyes were filled with worry and I could not bring myself to look her in the eyes. I did not know why but I knew I felt intimidated by her. She suddenly noticed that she was making me uncomfortable and quickly changed her face to a pleasant smile.

Usui clapped me on the back as usual and said, 'You are going to have to take more care that you don't strain your body also that if you were tired you would have to tell me or Yuri straight away'.

I nodded silently as they both were lecturing me on how I had to take more care of my body. It annoyed me that even though Usui was only older than me by a mere year he was so much more mature than me and seem so much more manly with his already developing muscles despite his young age of 15. Yuri was older than Usui by a year at the age of 16.

'Why do you seem so much older than me', I said.

He laughed, 'Because I'm awesome'.

I remained in the manor for another week until I was granted permission to get out and about again making me extremely happy as my room started to smell stale and I could not last any longer in a room isolated from everyone save my family. The first thing after my freedom had been granted was to go to the city with Yuri and Usui. Although we followed a majority of the old customs we still need to get out and have fun like going to arcades and going to the city. Though we ended up leaving for the city later then we wanted being kept behind by chef talking about how to make a perfect pastry to cook for a party or a random gathering.

'Chef, we really need to go or it'll be to late to go out', Yuri said as he was about to start his sentence.

'Ah, ah, I see you go, you go have fun, I talk too much'.

It was already 5:30 when we left as we decided to stay late night. Though now I sometimes wish I had not suggest to stay late night as it was the first time my powers fully awakened. It was 7:00 when we were planning on eating out but we turned a wrong corner leading us to a place of the city where it was not as safe as the main part. We had to go through a tunnel to get back to the city that every part of me was screaming not to go there, I knew that brother and sister thought that too but it either through that tunnel or an extremely long way around.

'Which one, an extremely long way or a haunted tunnel', Usui asked.

I sighed, 'I guess we have no choice, let's just go through the tunnel'.

'Mmm, I agree. I'm not going to walk another kilometre just to avoid a supposedly haunted tunnel'.

We went in reluctantly only to see that the lights went out almost as soon as we reached the middle of the tunnel when we heard strange noises.

'Why did I expect this', I said to myself.

Creaking, banging, scratching, the howling of the wind even more intense than before when a figure came out. In the form of a human but anyone knew that this thing was no normal human, their eyes blind, skin colour a tinge of yellow and the way they moved wasn't right. The next thing I knew Yuri and Usui were shouting at me to stay back and yelling some strange chants making a sword of blue fire appeared in Yuri's hand and a bow of lightning in Usui hands.

'Stay back Izo', Usui yelled at me.

More of these things came out like off a zombie movie but for real. I looked at the exits to see they had a red web covering the exit making escape next to impossible.

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