Chapter 19: A Little Help

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Chapter 19: A Little Help

I ran toward Izo as fast as I could as soon as they disappeared.

'Please be okay please please'.

His wound wasn't healing normally it would have already began healing but it hasn't not even a layer of skin has began forming yet.


I skidded to his side and ripped of part of my shirt to bandage both his wounds. He was bleeding unbelievably and sweat drenched his fringe.

'IZO, IZO!'.

His eyes moved a bit opening the tiniest crack but closed shortly after as his body began to become deathly cold.

'What's happening'.

'KIYOKO GET THE HECK OUT OF THERE', Sakura shouted gesturing me to come back.


Sakura appeared next to me and quickly zoomed back to her original place with me next to her.

'What's happening'.

A clear blue box began to form around him, snow began to form and whiz around in the box.

'His Paragon is rejecting his wounds, but it seems to be having quite some difficulty', Someone said as the door opened.

I whizzed around to see who it was.


'Don't forget me', Yukio said as he walked out from behind the door.

'Oh so you decide to reveal it now?', Sakura said to Yukio.

'Now's the time'.


I squinted my eyes to try and get a cleared look at what was happening to Izo. His wound were still the same, bleeding unbelievably but all the blood froze before it could drop to the ground. Parts of his wound was covered in ice slowing the bleeding slightly a little but it was still an enormous amount of blood coming out.

'Why isn't it working'.

'Since when have you been so question filled, Kiyoko', Celia asked.

His mask and cloak began reforming, his mask etched in a way I have never seen before. His claw a clear light blue instead of the dark navy blue from before. I saw his lock shorten slightly sliding back down his arm a bit.

'Shit, his lock is breaking', Jet cursed.

'That quickly, I'm gonna need to get spares'.

Sakura made a quick phone call and had a conversation with someone mostly in fluent Italian. She hung up the phone a smiled. A black capsule materialised above her open hand. She opened it up and picked out the 2 Angel's locks in there, she said something softly and it demilitarised. The box around Izo began to disappeared little by little but a bit to fast as it let out a lot of the weather inside the box. Izo opened his eyes, three circles with white dots dotted into the side of them were spinning around the iris until they settled and returned back to their original colour. His eyes closed again as he fell into his slumber. I looked at Sakura, she nodded so I ran to him. He moved slightly as I touched where his wound was, one was healed fully but the other was just filled in with a reddish ice. Usui stumbled over to see if he was okay. He prodded the ice filled wound.

'That isn't going to heal isn't it'.

'No atleast not normally', Izo said grabbing Usui hand.

His eyes were spinning again. He sat up and looked at the wound himself.

'That's the best I can do master, now you may have your body back'.

'What without me unlocking the lock'.

I looked at Sakura in alarm.

'Interesting', She thought to me.

His eyes settled as he took a deep breath.

'Hey', He said looking at me and smiling.

I hugged him tightly.


'What's wrong'.

'You mask is poking into my shoulder'.

The mask fell off just as I said that.


He looked at his Uncle and Aunty briefly, he stood up and went over to them.

'To think you didn't tell me something like this'.

'I'm surprised Sakura didn't spill the beans', Yukio said smiling.

'I keep my word, you of all people should know that'.

Celia pulled him in for a hug, 'Feel any better'.

'Yea, thanks'.

'I'm sorry for not telling you', she apoligised.

'It's okay but from now on let's not keep too many secrets'.

'Of course'.

'We will repair the damage done to your house Mr and Mrs Igarshu', Lal said.

'Thank you but I think I might be faster', Yukio said holding up his hand.

All the debris disappeared and the wall were fixed.

'Now it's just a matter of remaking a few things and we'll be done', Celia said while looking at the where the table had been. 'I really liked that table too'.

'Sorry Celia', I said bowing deeply.

'No no it's fine'.

Yuri looked at where the table was too. Izo held up his claw examining to giving it his whole attention.

'This is different'.

The claw now had a white cross over it with a club in the middle of the cross. He flicked it through the air and it disappeared along with his outfit. The remains of his shirt hung by threads, his pants had rips through out them while his shoes were stained with red blood. But even with all his clothes in tatters he still managed to look sexy.


Lol at the end, idk i got bored for a bit, thought i might begin to make it realy obvious how much Kiyoko liked Izo just in case anyone hadn't noticed yet..... Not uploading on the usual day cuz i wanna catch up with all my posting plus i completly forgot that i was uploading on tuesday and saturady not tuesday and thursday.... oh dear. Anway thanks for reading, keep commenting and voting Thanks \(^.^)/

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