Chapter 4: So I'm a Dragon??

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Chapter 4: Wait so I'm a Dragon???

Next thing I knew the bell went and it was time for home. Just like I asked Kiyoko was standing at the gate go we left for my house together.

'Let's go the long way' she said looking at the ground.

'Uh yea sure', I said subconsciously.

We talked when we noticed there were road works ahead making it dangerous to go through so we had to reluctantly go through at least 5 other back streets.

'Soo.. why did you want to go the long way' I asked.

'Ah I want to'.. she stopped and pointed.

'Hey, Kiyoko what's wrong'.

'Crap why now' she said.

I turned around. 'What these things again'.

It was the same things that attacked Usui, Yuri and me in the tunnel. Suddenly the same sounds that occurred in the tunnel began here in the alleyway. Screech, bang, the wind got stronger just like before and the red web covered both sides of the alley way.

'Shit what do I do' I stupidly thought.

The same feeling that I felt in the tunnel occurred. The feeling of ice was coming from my heart and ice particles formed and floated around my fingers. I pointed and did the exact same as I did in the tunnel.

'Daggers' I thought.

The ice left my fingers and formed into daggers, they pierced several of the Things and they fell dad.

'Shield around Kiyoko' I thought.

'Kiyoko, ice is gonna surround you and shield you so don't panic it's from me it won't hurt you'. I said quickly as the ice began making a shield around her.

'Sword' I thought.

Next thing there was a in my hands it felt a sword shape in them but it wasn't cold I had expected it to be cold since it was a sword of ice. I used my skills I learnt from instructor and sliced down one after another.

'ICE WINGS' I yelled, ice formed on my back making wings.

I dropped my sword and began thinking of all sorts of ways to form the ice to attack at.

'Bullets of ice, Bombs of ice, Ice hammer' I said one after another than I thought of animals. 'Dragon of ice was the last way I formed my ice to kill them' after that attack they were dead in piles like toys all over the alley way floor.

I said for the ice shield to disappear when I felt the floor on my head and blacked out.

'IZO, IZO!',she yelled in my ear. 'Come on we gotta get out of here more Akuma are coming'.


'You know the things you were just fighting, don't tell me you've been fighting them without not knowing what they are'.

'Well you can't.. wait how come you know about Akma, akura..'.

'Akuma, because I do I will tell you later, Mizu Fuenikkusu (water phoenix)'. A phoenix of water spiralled up her reaching just below her neck, ice particles began to form around my hand again.

'Ice wings' I said. They reformed so I lifted myself from Kiyoko and began killing the Akuma.

Inside the group of Akuma there was an odd one out. He looked much more like a human than a zombie, he had black wings on his back and there was something on his wrist that looked like a bandage.

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