Chapter 3: This is Why I Hate School

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Chapter 3: This is Why I Hate School

After at least 3 weeks at home with nothing to do I was forced to go to school. Like any other boy of my age I never wanted to go to school. I was pretty much a loner save my best friends, Kiyoko Hana and Kanda Kira even though they were my only friends I felt that as long as I had them I would not take a care in the world to gain more friends. I was greeted as soon as I entered the gate with a slap from Kiyoko and a tackle from Kanda. I knew they were angry.. I had missed school for 3 weeks leaving them alone. Then she burst out crying, hugging me at the same time. I instantly felt horrible as this was the second time I had made her cry while Kanda showed his irritation clearly. I hugged her standing there in the middle of the gate. She looked up with her brown eyes with a tinge of gold, her reddish brown hair put up in a sophisticated cute bun and her pale skin now red from crying. I always wondered why no one ever wanted to become true friends she's so beautiful many people said they were friends but only said that because they pitied her. Now she finds it very hard to trust anyone but I was lucky enough to be one of the few people she trusted.

'You, Kanda and your family were the only ones who actually accepted my eyes. So don't ever do that again' she suddenly said.

'I don't know why so many people had a problem with your eyes I think they are beautiful' I answered.

But many people said it was abnormal.

'Izo, your eyes they're different' she immediately observed.

'Yea, I know'.

'They're similar to Kiyoko's now, gold with a tinge of brown', Kanda smiled.

'I like these contacts' she said while pointing at my eyes.

'These aren't contacts' I answered.

She laughed 'Do you think I'm that bad of a friend not to notice when my best friends eyes have changed colours'.

'I'm not lying, look' I said while touching my eyeball the way you would to take out your contacts it was stinging for a second but no contact came out.

Her eyes filled with shock.

'What happened to you' He immediately asked.

Then bell went. 'I promise I will tell you two later' I promised them.

Classes felt as if they stretched on forever but finally lunch bell went.

I remembered my promise with them and was rushing to our lunch spot.

'IZO', Someone shouted behind me.

I sighed instantly I knew who it was.

'Yes Itachi' (the name means Weasel) I said mockingly.

'Don't you dare call me that name, my name is Ichigo' he yelled into my face.

'Oh but it's rude to address someone something else other than their name' I taunted.

He attempted to vent his anger out but I easily evaded him. But Itachi wasn't by himself he was with his gang. Shiro grabbed me and Itachi took the chance to punch me, I struggled but Shiro was much bigger than me. Just my luck that he punched me right below my heart wound. They ripped my shirt and kicked me until I was bruised when my wound reopened. They didn't notice the bandages around me until blood was seeping through my bandages and onto the floor. They instantly ran away when Kiyoko came rushing from class to see the commotion. She screamed making teacher after teacher come to see what happened. I blacked out.

It was in the infirmary I woke up. Kiyoko was next to me crying again.

'Don't cry, I'm okay so don't cry' I sighed. 'Please don't I hate seeing someone I love cry'.

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