Chapter 32: A Dragon's Death A Hybrids Rebirth

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Chapter 32: A Dragon's Death, A Hybrid's Rebirth

I flash stepped my whole way there barely touching the ground before I forced myself to go again.

'No, nothing, this isn't happening....'.

'What's wrong Kiyoko', Usui said managing to grab my hand before I flash stepped again.

Tears were already running down my face, I felt my face began to get hot from crying.

'Izo.... Something...'.

He had already started running to Izo's room before he finished his sentence.

'Go tell Uncle and Aunty'.

I felt the fatigue begin to set in from the consistent flash stepping.

'No, not now'.

I landed fully and began sprinting to their room which was continently on the other side of the manor. I burst through the door nearly making it fly off its hinges.

'Kiyoko!', Celia said in fright.

'Kiyoko? What's wrong', Yukio worried instantly noticing my urgency.

I stood there tears running down my face, my hands and body trembling.


They had already disappeared from the room after I finished saying his name. I just turned around and stared at the door.

'God, what am I doing'.

I sprinted back out the door and began to his room... again.


I stood outside his door listening to his screams of pain. I felt my forehead where he had lost control and cut me, I watched the blood from the cut on my arm drop to the ground. He screamed again this time it was accompanied by the sound of books falling to the ground.

'UHH AHH it... it hurts so much....', he cried.

Yukio and Celia appeared in front of me.

'What are you doing out here, go inside and help him', Celia said almost yelling into my ear.

'He... he made a deal with Vanquis'.

Yukio's eyes widened.


'... while he was away'.

Celia began to silently cry.

'He's losing control....., but it's to fast.... why so close to when he made the deal', Celia whispered quietly to herself.

I heard frantic foot steps coming from up the hall.

'She's coming....'.

She ran straight past Yukio and nearly ran into me trying to get inside. I caught her and held onto her tightly.

'W-WHY ARE YOU OUT HERE!!!!', she screamed.

Izo screamed and broke the glass on his window. I looked down.

'He's losing control Kiyoko... you can't go in there', Kara said appearing behind her.

She wrapped her hands around her and hugged her tightly.

'It's okay, just wait... we'll see what happens', she said trying to calm her down.

Kiyoko cried more sobbing loudly. A blue flame appeared in front of me.

'He's losing control isn't he...', Yuri voice said.

I watched the flame as it transformed into Yuri who was still in night gown. I nodded slowly and felt the blood on my forehead drip down as I nodded. She exhaled in anger, her eyes burned with anger along with her hand clenching and unclenching every few seconds. He screamed before it went completely silent.


I lay on the floor now fully in a form.... I didn't even know what form it was. I thin line appeared in front of me it widened and revealed Vanquis.

'Well, hasn't your form become quite a beauty', he exclaimed grinning evilly.

Almost everything about me was dark and evil, even my skin was a dark blue. I had strange black marks all around my body and two black horns coming from my head. My hair had become long and was pitch black like my wings which became more bat like. I had a coat very similar to my last one but almost completely black and what wasn't black was grey. The only thing on me that wasn't black was my eyes, white slits exactly the same as Vanquis's.

'T-his wasn't in the.... d-deal', I said with much effort.

'Hmm, this isn't me. This is yourself, your body. I just helped it along'.

I looked up at him helplessly, I didn't even have enough energy to answer.

'Your true form has been revealed', he said laughing like a maniac.

I managed to get a single word out.


'Oh yes, this is you, you were never even a dragon and definitely not a human. You! Were something much, much worse', he exclaimed emphasising the "you".

He grinned and clapped his hands together. The black mist I had been vomiting every two minutes hung around the room clinging to anything it touched.

'Oh, dear child. Have fun with your new self, my fellow kin', he laughed and stepped back into a abyss which disappeared shortly after.

The mist began to gather around me and cocoon me in a black hard shell. I could see everything that was locked away in my own mind. Every memory every sensation I could feel and see it. I watched as my former self destroyed place, killed everything and smiled at all these acts.

'NO NO PLEASE STOP!',I screamed mentally.

The former me smiled at every single kill, I hadn't changed since back then. I looked the exact same even when I had no form we were the exact same. The sky was painted red, the floor.... blood red and any building were completely bloodied.

'No..', I cried.

I felt the mist begin to seep into me, slowly the darkness was tearing its way through my body.

I watched a girl stand in front of the old me, she held a seal in her hand and a magnificent ice sword, its helm was made of fire. She yelled loudly and began running towards me but the difference was the old me didn't do anything, I watched at the girl came closer and pushed her sword into my heart.

'What.... why', he said.

'I'm sorry'.

'But... I loved you, why are you killing me'.

She cried. I recognised her face. Her warm brown hair, brown and gold eyes, her pale skin and small build.

'Kiyoko', I said to myself.

'Evagaline, why are you doing this....'.

'I'm so sorry'.

She revealed two seals and quickly put one on his forehead. I/He screamed in pain and writhed around.

'You won't go through this alone...'.

She stabbed her self in the heart and put the seal on her forehead. She screamed in pain and double over.

'.... I love you', she said just before she collapsed.

The pain was crazy. I screamed, nearly throwing up blood as I writhed. Slamming my hands against the floor.

'Make it fucking stop!!'

Authors note


Well than I hoped you liked the book ^.^ CLIFFHANGER!!! yea bro hehe. The sequel is in progress so wait a little while ^.^

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