46 | Girlfriend

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"Welcome, we are back with Shawn and her beautiful girlfriend Isabella." Mandy says to the camera.

I smile to the cameras and look back to Mandy and Steve.

"Hi." I say.

"Its lovely to meet you Isabella. So you are from Manchester England?" Mandy continues

"I am" I smile and look at Shawn.

"So how was it that you two met?" Steve asks.

" Shawn was on his way to Manchester Arena and his tour bus coincidentally broke down outside my house." I laugh along with them all.

"There was no signal so I asked to use their house phone." Shawn pauses and looks at me worried. " Do I tell them?" he whispers.

"Yeah. Fine." I laugh.

"What is it?' Mandy asks curious.

"I heard one of my songs playing in the other room." Shawn says.

"Which one?" Steve asks.

"Nothin' Holding me back. So I walked in on Isabella's dads permission and found Isabella dancing, singing and playing her guitar to it." He says.

We all laugh and I blush.

"So, obviously Isabella wasn't expecting it and she jumped into my arms in excitement and nearly killed my with my guitar." Shawn laughs.

"Who would of know the one and only Shawn Mendes was in your house!" Mandy laughs.

"Yeah, it was a shock to my system as I look up to him very much as a person and musically." I respond.

"So taking about music, you have joined Shawn crew Isabella?" Steve asks.

"Yeah, yeah. David, who plays bass guitar had to leave due to personally information and I pulled in last minutes for them." I comment

"And how are you dealing with it all?" Mandy asks.

"Yeah it is a massive change but I am living my dream. I never felt right about collage so it feels amazing to be doing this."

" How are your family about it, cause as you say this is a massive change?" Steve asks.

"Yeah my parents are really supportive and my sister is so happy for me." I respond.

Shawn kisses me on the forehead. I hold myself back in anger.

"and what is it like touring with Shawn?" Mandy asks.

"He is hard work but I'm loving it and could not wish to do it with anyone else." I joke.

"Thats all we have time for today. It's been lovely talking to you both." Mandy says.

"Thank You," I respond.

"Yeah thank you for having us." Shawn says.

"Now Shawn and his band are going to play There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back from his latest album Illuminate." Steve says.

Shawn and I walk over to where the stage was set up. We both take our place and play.

{I came back from Poland yesterday! Had a great time! Added as I post: Holy fck I see Shawn in one week what is happening. I have actually finished writing this book as I post this chapter! I've had some problems with my internet and posting though so I am currently using my phones hotspot as I write on my Wattpad on my iPad.}

There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back | Shawn Mendes - book 1Where stories live. Discover now