5 | A Strange Day

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And this is why I never get fed up of performing. My final song was coming up, Treat You Better. My band played while I gave a speech.

"Thank you for tonight! Please give it up for my amazing band. I want to say thank you to Izzy, without her this show would not of happened. This is my final song, I want everyone in the arena singing. Goodbye and thank you Manchester."

I sat at the piano and started the piece.

I did not know how to feel. I wanted to cry, smile and scream. Shawn's mentioned me. I felt overwhelmed by all that has happened today, earlier I was just a crazy fan running around my house screaming Shawn Mendes lyrics now, I feel close to Shawn, we have a friendship.

After the show I ran backstage to find Shawn. I ran over to him and hugged him.

" wohhh, I took it you liked!" He exclaimed.

" What do you mean I liked it!? I fucking loved it!" I was flooded with excitement.

"Hahaha. I'm glad you loved it." We started walking to his backstage room.

"The crew and I plan on going out in exploring Manchester centre tomorrow, wanna come?"

" Yes! Totally. " I was overwhelmed... excited...

" We plan on doing some touristy things and shopping... sorry nothing too exciting." He states.

" Shawn, I think I'll be fine if it's with you!" I protest.

We arrived at his dressing room.

He went into his bathroom area, to change out of his sweaty clothes, and have a shower. I sat on my phone and checked my Instagram. Wohhhh 954,165 likes on the photo of me and Shawn. That's crazy. I decided to go through and read the comments.


Izzymwoodsen: The Man!

View all 72,458 comments

Abbie_Wills : So happy for you Izzy!

Perfectlymendes123: Shawn 🔥 omg

Shawnmfansss: Shawn got a hair cut!!❤️xxxxx

Lila.Smith: Wohhh girl, how did this happen? X

Parker.rose_sally: This is so cute, who is this girl, she better not be taking my man.

J4cob.tl: Damm, how ?! ❤️

I liked some of Shawn's fans comments and replied to my friends.

Izzymwoodsen: @abbie_wills - haha, love you Abs x

Izzymwoodsen: @lila.Smith @j4cob.tl - Ill have to update you! I've told the story too many times today ! ❤️ love you guys x

I've know Abbie and Jacob since high school. Abbie got me addicted to Shawn's first album.

And as for Lila, I made friends with her at the start of collage.

I kept on scrolling through and realise that Shawn had commented,

Shawnmendes: Thanks Iz for everything! ❤️

I replied:

Izzymwoodsen: Dude, You don't need too, thank you for everything! ❤️

Shawn came out the bathroom freshened up. There was a knock on the door.

I opened the door and there was Andrew.

" Great Shawn tonight Shawn! Mind if I come in?" He asks

" Couldn't of done it without you, ye please do." I close the door as he enters.

Izzy was sat on the couch, and Andrew and I sat on two individual chairs.

" So the tour bus has been sorted, we have a new one coming tomorrow. We should be back on our schedule for our next show on Tuesday in Birmingham." Andrew started off with.

" Thanks great news." I say. "Does the crew need any help, packing up?" I ask.

" It does not look like it but cheers Shawn." Andrew pats me on the back and gets up, "We better get off to the hotel, we're up bright and early tomorrow, to explore Manchester. There's a car waiting in the back for you Shawn, when you are ready. Izzy, it's great to have you with us tomorrow. See you." He leaves the room.


" Right, I better be going now... I'm going to leave my car here and the last train is soon." I say.

" Yes, I better be getting off to my hotel." He says. " I'm staying at Hilton so if you want to come by at 10:30am and we will start our day, I'll text you if anything changes, here's my number." Shawn handed me his number that he just wrote on a scrap piece of paper.

" See ya Shawn, thank you so much for today."

"Bye Iz."

I said bye and thank you to all the crew. Then left the backstage of the arena. I followed the stairs through to the train station.I bought my train ticket then sat down and put my headphones in. On the last train there is always drunk people uggg...

About five minutes later, four high pitch girls came on the train.

" Hiyyyaaaa Izzy!! " I look up and realise it was Kelly Jones, uggg. "It's been so long since I saw you last." She says.

" Yes, and I didn't miss a second of not seeing you..." I comment under my breath.

" Sorry what did you say?" Luckily she was serious, she did not hear what I said.

" ahhh nothing..." I reply

I carried on listening to my music until Kelly interrupted me.

" Babes, let's catch up, tell me bout Shawn and stuff." Dam was this bitch fake, she was trying to impress her new 'friends' by making talk with me about Shawn as she knew that I knew him.

" Kelly, first of all don't call me babes, second piss off." That shut her up for the rest of the journey.

Once I got my stuff together I made my way down to the car that was waiting in the back. We could easily walk it but it's difficult with the fans and media. I love my fans.

A guard directed to the car. I got in it. The car existed the areas gates.

{ As I edit this I realise that I switch characters too often and repeat what they say from their POV I don't really like that but it changes as I grow at a writer. Thanks for the support plz like and share
Love the author, Millie x}

There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back | Shawn Mendes - book 1Where stories live. Discover now