23 | Shawns Family

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As we went to the exit of the airport many fans spotted us. They came over and asked for pictures and talked to us. They were all so sweet.

When I left the airport I spotted my families car in the waiting area. Aaliyah came running out from it. With my parents following behind behind her.

" Shawn!" She gasps and jumps into my arms. I smile and rubbed her back.

" Hey!" I smile to her.

She stops hugging me for a moment and looks into my eyes then starts hugging me again.

" I've missed you so much Shawn how come coming back home got delayed?"

" I'll tell you later, okay?"

" Okay." She replies. I let her hug me for a few more moments.

" Hey, I'm sure mum and dad want to see me." I laugh to her.

" Okay." She sighs and lets go of me.

" Hi mum. Hi dad." They both embrace me. Aaliyah then joins us.

" Mum, Dad, Aaliyah. This is Isabella. She is my girlfriend." I say as I let go of them.

" Girlfriend?!" Aaliyah questions me.

" aha." I sake my head and smile to her.

" How did Shawn get a girlfriend?!" She looks to my parents. " The thing is, I'm really shook to find out this." We all laugh.

" Shawn,I'm so happy for you sweetie." My mum smiles and kisses me on the cheek.

" Congratulations son. I think I'm nearly as shocked as Aaliyah." He laughs then pats me on my back. " Nice to meet you Isabella. I'm Manny and this is my wife Karen." He puts his arm around my mum and smile.

" Indeed lovely to meet you Isabella." My mum smiles to her.

" And I'm Aaliyah." My sister smiles to Isabella.

Right Now I'm in the Mendes family car to Pickering. I'm going to see Shawn's home town.

"So how long have you been dating?" Manny asks from the drivers seat.

I look at Shawn. He hold my hand.

" Two day..." I say.

Shawn squeezes my hand.

" but we-we have had I thing for each other for about a month I-I just couldn't bring myself to ask Isabella." Shawn adds

"Aww. The boy who is the front of every magazine shirtless couldn't get himself to ask a girl out?" Aaliyah jokes.

"Aaliyah!" Karen yells.

" Go ask your school boy crush Aaliyah?" Shawn jokes back at her.

"Ugh fine."


The car pulled up to a small cosy house. All the family helped us with our cases. We were going to stay at Shawn's family house for 2 days then go back to his apartment in Toronto for the rest of the break from tour.

As I entered I felt how homely this house was. Pictures were hun around the stairs at the entrance of the house. Many of Shawn, Aaliyah or just the family all together. Karen definitely brought a sense of British to the house.

"Let me take you to your room Izzy." Shawn said as he directed me up the stairs. I carried my backpack as Shawn carried my suitcase.

"Here it is." he said as he pointed to the guest bedroom.

"I'll let you get sorted, I'm just two doors down if you need anything."

" Thanks Shawn."

He kisses me on the forehead then leaves.

There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back | Shawn Mendes - book 1Where stories live. Discover now