21 | Date Night

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" Here we were," The driver says as he stops the car. The driver gets out and opens the door for us. Shawn got out first then he helped me out.

Straight away I recognised that we were in Manchester.

Shawn wrapped his arm around my neck.

" Like it hun?" He said as we looked into the restaurant that was lit with candles.

" I sure do," I say. Then I kiss Shawn on the cheek.

We made our way in the restaurant. A waiter sat us at a window table.

"What do you fancy to eat Izzy?" Shawn asked me.

" Maybe that," I say as I point it out on the menu. " My gosh," I say as I see the prices.

" Wohh. Don't worry hun. I'm paying."

" Are you sure..."

" Sure." He says then grasps my hands.


" What did you think?" Shawn's asks.

" It was wonderful." I smile to him.

" I'm glad you liked it." He says as he strokes my hand.

The waiter came with the bill. We let go of each other's hands as she puts it on the table.

" Thank you." We both says as she walks away.

Shawn picks up the bill and starts reading it.

" Shawn, show me." I say to him sternly as I get my purse out.

" No, no hun."  He says while scanning the bill.

" Shawn! Just show me the god damn bill." I say even more sternly.

" Isabella, I'm paying and that's final." He snaps.

" At least let me pay for some of it!"

" No, I'm paying for it all."

" Shawn! I'm not having a relationship where the man pays for it all. It's unfair and stereotypical that the man take the women out."

Shawn drops a load of money onto the table then leaves.

Oh shit... why did I do this?

I grab my clutch and walk outside to try and find Shawn.

I find him slumped up against the restaurant wall with his head lent again his knees.

I lent down on the wall next to him.

There was a few moments of silence before I spoke.

" Shawn... I-I'm s-sorry." I gulped. I felt a tear coming from my left eye. I quickly wiped it. " I-I shouldn't of gone so hard on you. You were only trying to make this amazing for us a-and I-I ruined it..." tears came streaming from my eyes. I couldn't stop sniffling.

Shawn looked up. He didn't speak for a few moments. " I'm pissed I will not, not tell you that but we will get through it..." He says.

" No matter how many arguments we will get through it, okay." I say as I try to hug him.

Shawn lets me and embraces me into a hug.

" I'm sorry hun." I say to him.

" I'm sorry too." He says as he kisses me on the forehead and hugs me once more.

" Gosh you're cold." He gasps.

" Oh, I'm fine..." I say

"No you're not, here..." he says as he hands me his black blazer.

He directs me to turn around and puts in on my shoulders.

" Thanks hun." I smile and stand on my tip toes to peck his cheek.

He smiles to me.

" I'm sorry," I say to him once more.

There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back | Shawn Mendes - book 1Where stories live. Discover now