11 | A Little Too Much

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A few weeks later...

" It is AMAZING!" I screamed down the phone to my sister. " The crowd, the lights, the sound, just everything!"

" Aww I'm glad you are loving it." She said, she continued doing working on her laptop. Her phone was leant up on her desk.

I watched the tv that is on in the background then go back to my sister.

" We're coming London on Saturday you know! I should be able to come and see ya." I smile into the camera and lay on my hotel bed.

" Yes! You're welcome any time. I'll take you to that really good restaurant I've been taking about." She says. "So what's your childhood crush like?" She laughs into the phone.

" I'm loving it all, it's so much fun, but tiring! Shawn is so sweet and kind, and the job is everything i could wish for, but..." I trail off my sentence.

" But what... go on Izzy."

" I erm... When I was at my friends, Abbie's house saying bye to her before we went off on tour... I fell and well Shawn was about to kiss me but he stoped himself."

" Oh, it was getting spicy."she laughs

" Elle, I like him, I like him a lot, but I'm scared... is it serious, am I not just being a crazy fan over him. And I'm angry, I'm angry that he could do this to me then act like nothing happened and is it too early on."

" Ahh... I'm sorry sis."

" Anyway enough about me, how's work going." I ask.

" Yes, really good, I'm just making a few plans graphics designs."


There was a knock at my door.

" Hang on a second Elle. Can I call you back later, someone's at the door?"

"Okay, bye."

I end the call and leave my phone on the side.

"Shawn. Oh hi..." I look down at my feet, I just can't look at him. His hazel brown eyes sparkling make me smile. How am I supposed to look at him after how he has made me feel?

" Want to watch X Factor together, I see you have got it on?" Shawn peers into the room.

" Sure. Come in."

He enters and I close the door behind him. We sit on the bed: him on the right me on the left.


" I'm a bit cold, I'm going to get a jumper." I start to get up.

Shawn pulls me down and embraces me. I pull a face at him.

" What?" He says so innocently. "I'm too warm so what better to do than share some of my heat?"

" Oh... well thanks I guess."

I snuggle up to him. I know I'm angry with him but I find him too sweet to deny.

"Shawn..." he cuts me off. His lips hit mine.

He roles over onto me and takes control.

" Shawn this is my first..."

"Sshh" he cuts me off and starts to kiss my neck.


"I'm sorry." I put my hand on the back of my neck. " This never should of happened." I quickly scan the room for my t-shirt. I spot it and run over to it picking it up from the floor.

" What do you mean, 'this never should of happened.' " she mimics me.

" It's just not the right time you know...with tour, fame and stuff."

" Shawn, when is it the right time? I'm fed up of acting like a good friend to you. You and I know there is something MORE between us. And you won't face it because of your pathetic excuse. 'Tour and fame you know.' " She mimics me once more. "Besides that, MORE happened tonight and you need to face up to it."

I sit on the chair at the table and slid me shoes on. I was fuming.

" First of all, tour is not a pathetic excuse, it's my DREAM CAREER. Secondly, why the fuck did I even get Andrew to hire you?" Thirdly, I'm not going to let a pathetic childish girl screw up MY REPUTATION."

Izzy jumps up from the bed.

" Where the fuck has all those comments gone about me SAVING YOUR TOUR, still a pathetic child am I?!"

" You never saved it, you only made it a mistake."

"Huhh, I'll repeat that to your fans and let's see what happens to your precious reputation."

"At least it will be better than yours fuck girl."


Oh shit. What did I just say?

"Look Izzy, I'm sorry, things are complicated."


There was a moment of silence, I tried to think what to say.


I walked towards the door.


She grabbed a pillow from the bed.


Izzy threw the pillow towards the door, I quickly escape downstairs to where Andrew and the team were having a breakfast.

There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back | Shawn Mendes - book 1Where stories live. Discover now