2 | Bonding

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I know I don't know him personally, but I knew him well enough, he's like a lost brother to me. I ran up and jumped into his arms.

" Hi I'm Shawn-..."

" -Mendes. I know!" I finished his sentence that I cut him off, when he got a shock when I jumped into his arms forgetting about my guitar that was held in front of me by my strap.

" Sorry! I'm invading you personal space and erm... and sorry for crushing you with my guitar." I back up and looked up at him. He was 6:2 and I was 5:6. Not far from him!

"Don't worry ," he replies "Nice guitar you have got."

"Thanks! This is crazy! What the hell is my Shawn Mendes doing in my house?" I freak out and run around the room.

"Let me tell you in a moment erm..."

" Isabella." I reply to him. "or Izzy."

"I'll tell you in a moment Izzy! I like this song and I've actually never heard it so let's dance!" I laughed at him, course he know his own song!

We danced and sang to the last chorus.

I opened the door to the next room and saw a young girl dancing, singing and playing a guitar. Her energy levels were beautiful. She was beautiful. I slowly shut the door as I did not want to disturb the call that my management team were making. I watched her move around the room light as a feather as the music blasted from the speakers. I joined in singing and I think I startled her.

We had a short conversation then started dancing and singing together.

She is so sweet and honest. Her British accent was cute.

The song ended and she put the playlist on pause.We sat on the sofa and talked.

"So Shawn," I ask him. "Tell my why you are here then, aren't you meant to be in Manchester now, I guess doing sound check?"

"Yep we should be... but our tour bus broke down, after having to take a long way round as the what you call 'motorway' was blocked off. So we knocked on your door and asked for if we could use a phone to call AA as non of our cellphones were working. And her I am now."

" Are you telling ME your tour bus is OUTSIDE my house!? That's crazy! You must show me. Well Shawn, you picked the right door. You're welcome her any day. Want a drink?" I asks him.

"Please," he says "water thanks."

I grab two glasses and filled them with water.
I give him a glass of water and I sip mine.

This might not sound realistic to you but I felt a naturally connected to Shawn and felt no awkward tension while we were dancing. Even though I had only met him a moment ago I had been following him for near 4 years.

"So your crews on the phone now to the AA?" I asked him

" yes, they should be."

The hallway door opened, my Dad came through with the most unexpected person, well apart from Shawn.

{ a/n: I apologise for any errors with what Shawn/Canadian crew says. I don't know the difference so sorry!
I hope you are enjoying this story!! ♥️♥️♥️ }

There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back | Shawn Mendes - book 1Where stories live. Discover now