7 | Agreement

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We head back to the hotel. The tour had hit a problem, who would play bass from them...

{ Authors note: I know that they would probably have a back up bass player but let's just pretend not.}

Once we got to the hotel, Ziggy arranged with the hotel to have a private room.

I let the team talk about things so I stayed out the room.

"I've booked a plane ticket for 7:00pm." Dave says. He looks down and twiddles his thumbs. "Shawn, I know I'm an important part of the team, but please don't let it ruin your tour. I want you to carry on rocking, ok. Promise me you will."

" I will," I breath in and pack him on the back and then sit down, " Go and be there for your dad ok."

"I will."

"Right guys," Andrew directs to everyone. He pulls out images of people and videos on his computer.
"Here are our bass guitarist that are up for the chance of joining us."

After watching all the videos I had not made a decision.

" I mean... they are all great, but my gut just says no."

" Shawn it's your decision and I know that your gut will be right." Dave comments.

" Shawn we know what you are doing, we trust you." Geoff

Geoff made me think. I slouch down on the table and thought to myself " Trust..." I mutter. I repeat it again, but louder " trust..." my brain snapped and I knew who I wanted to join the group. I jolted up.
"Izzy!" I say with excitement. " I want Isabella to join us."

Shawn came running out the room. " Isabella, join me on tour." He smiles to me. " Would YOU do the honours of being my bass guitar player?"


" YES!" He says with delight and excitement. " I WANT YOU TO JOIN US!"

I jump into his arms. " THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!" I was overwhelmed. I was astonished. I was shocked. I was nervous.

Tears streamed from my eyes. " I AM GOING ON TOUR WITH SHAWN MENDES!" I pulled him in tighter.

" Ouch." He says. " You better watch out, there will be no tour if you crush me."

I laugh. In the corner of my eyes I see Andrew, Geoff, Ziggy, Zubin, Mike, Dave, Tom, Josiah, and Teddy.

"I'm relying on you Isabella." Dave smiles.

" I won't disappoint."

We all laugh.


My car was in Manchester (at the arena from yesterday) so I said that I would take Dave to the airport. My car was small so most people said goodbye to him at the hotel.

In the car there was also Shawn, Andrew, Ziggy.When we arrived at terminals three we all hugged Dave.

"Thank you Dave. The chanced you have given to me amazing, I'm sorry it had to happen like this, send your dad wishes from me."

"I will Izzy. I'm thankful, the team has someone new that is amazing. I know that I can trust you." We both hugged and I let Shawn have his moment.


"MUM, DAD?!" I shouted as I ran up the stairs of my house.

I got to their room.

"Yes sweetie?" My mum says.

"I've got something to tell you both, please can you both come downstairs?"

They both followed me downstairs.

" Mum, this is Andrew Gertler and Ziggy Chareton." They shook hands. My dad shook hands with them again as he had already met them. I told my mum yesterday about how Shawn knocked on our door.

"And this is Shawn Mendes."

"Very nice," she shakes hasp she with him, "I'm finally getting to meet the man that Isabella goes on about." My mum states. I blush and Shawn laughs.

" As I'm under 18 I need to as for your permission. I've been offered to go on tour and play for bass guitar for Shawn."

My parents jump into my arms.

" Are you serious! Congratulations Izzy! My little girl is going on to fulfil her dreams!" My mum is filled with excitement.

" That's my girl!"My dad rubs me on the head, "Shawn, Andrew, Ziggy, thank you." He shakes their hands. "What are we waiting for?! Let's get signing!" We all laugh.

We all sit around the kitchen table.

I came to my decision on what would happen with my education.
"I want to carry on with finishing my collage education, so I think online homework is the best." I state.

" Good plan. " Shawn winks to me.

Soon the big moment arrived.

"I'M OFFICIALLY GOING ON TOUR WITH SHAWN MENDES!" I try to keep it in but I'm just too excited.


Andrew, Ziggy and Shawn stay and have a few drinks.

I found that my mum and dad got on really well with them all.

At 7:00pm, Shawn and I take Andrew and Ziggy to the train station which is just down the road. Shawn decided to stay, we went to a local pub and had some food.

At 9:00pm I said my goodbyes and left Shawn at the train station. He would of stayed longer, but after all tomorrow is my last day at college and I have to be up early. I leave for tour tomorrow night!

There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back | Shawn Mendes - book 1Where stories live. Discover now