8 | Goodbye

315 8 2

At 7:25am my alarm pounded my head. Collage. My last day at collage! I'm excited but I'm going to miss it! Tour is being held up by one day so I can get sorted, however it won't effect the shows.

I drove to the train station and left my car there. I hopped on the train and put my headphones in.
Shawn texted me.

Hey Iz, need a hand packing later? 

Depends are you good?

I mean, if you look at pictures of my clothes on stage, do they look creased?

Shawn, do you think I pay attention to your clothes?

Oh my mistake, I forgot, you're obsessed with me. Haha.

Right Mendes, Andrew, Ziggy and my parents are coming to my collage to talk about what will happen with my education. I'm coming to that meeting after my last lesson. After the meeting, do you want me to meet you at your hotel?

Ye sure, text me when you are coming.

Will do. After packing, I'm gunna go and spend some time with family and friends Wanna come?

Sure. Totally!


"Izzy! What do you mean your going on tour with Shawn Mendes?!" Lila bellows across the canteen.

" Sshh." I try to quiet her. " Yes, but I don't want the whole collage knowing."

"Izzy, their going to find out soon enough."

Yes, but I mean, it would be fine if they find out after I go, not now."

My phone beeped, Shawn had tagged on Instagram.

Image of Shawn and I from the pub last night.

Shawn Mendes: Please welcome our new bass guitarist @izzymwoodsen! I just want to say a massive thank you to Dave for his work. He has had to leave the tour due to family stuff.

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Abbie_Wills : You're in charge of looking after her Mendes. You better do a good job.

Perfectlymendes123: Going to miss Dave but yesss girl power!

Lisa.21: OMG @charlie325

Shawnmfansss: I look forward to your London show!

I replied.

Izzymwoodsen: Thanks for the support guys, I look forward to this new chapter of my life.

Izzymwoodsen: @abbie_wills You do know I can look after myself .

I look up from my phone, I was about to talk to Lila again but I saw people starting and whispering. I presume about me...

" I swear, I'm going to kill Shawn when see him."

"Aww...don't do that!" Lila laughs.

Ahhh... people were showing their phones to each other. Welcome to the world of working with Shawn Mendes Izzy.

Two girls approached me.

" OMG! Is it really her!" One of the girls says.

" Nah that's not her." The other one says.

"Hi, are you Izzy, Shawn's new bass player?" The first girl says.

" Yes..." I want them to go so badly but I don't want to act rude. I guess you can say I'm just an awkward person, particularly to random people that approach me.

" OMG! Please could we have a picture?" The second girl says.

" Erm...Ye sure I guess..."

Sooner than I realised I have half the canteen asking me for a picture. What can I say? Awkward...
I try taking pictures with them all but Shawn calls me on my phone.

"Sorry guys, I've got to take this phone call." I look to Lila who picks up that it's Shawn. She nodes to let me go take it.

I start to walk to somewhere quieter.

"Hiya Shawn..."

Screams come from behind me. Shawn laughs down the phone.

" Let me guess, you've got fans! Hahaha."

" Yes, well your fans... I mean their nice and everything, i'm just not used to this kinda life."

" Nobody can every be ready honey. " he laughs once more.

"I mean, I could of had an ordinary last day at collage."

"Who wants it to be ordinary? You want a day to remember so I gave you a day to remember."

" Fair enough Mendes. So what ya phone for?" I ask.

" Let me pick you up from collage?" He asks.

"Are you really sure, why not the hotel?... I mean it was a struggle for me just now and I'm nowhere as big as you, besides it's not like you have a car to hid yourself."

" Don't worry, I'm used to it... I mean, I don't mean to be snobby or anything. Besides what a memory it will be, Shawn Mendes picking you up from collage."

" Alright Mendes. I'll meet you at the main entrance after the meeting ."

" Okay... see ya. Bye."


I went back to Lila. The bell rang.

" Right! I'm not going without saying bye girl! Meet me later at the entrance, I want you to met someone."

"STOP Izzy! Are you joking!"

"Nope see ya."


After the meeting, I said bye to Andrew, Ziggy and my parents and left to meet Lila and Shawn.
I spotted Lila first.

" Shawn! This is Lila my friend."

"Hi Lila."

"Hi!! Oh my is it really you." Lila freaks out.

Shawn laughs. " Yes, I think it is really me."

We start walking towards Victoria Station. Lila gets the train home but she lives in the other direction to me.

After a lovely chat I said my byes to Lila. She hugged me so hard that I'm surprised I'm still alive but I'm sure I hugged her harder.


"It ain't my fault you came in looking like that
You just made me trip, fall, and land on your lap..."

Shawn and I had just finished packing and were jamming out. Now it's off to see my family.

There's Nothing Holdin' Me Back | Shawn Mendes - book 1Where stories live. Discover now