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I'm feeling 22 everything will be alright since I am updating.Vas Happening Stylers?!Through the Dark is back in business and ending soon.Listen Zayn is supposed to help Belle get through the dark and after Belle helps Zayn too then wallah it's done.I hope you like it and LUV YA Oh and don't forget to read my new story The Assistant a Harry Styles's Fan-Fiction.Read it please!<3


Isabella's POV:

"Isabella wake up dear."I heard my mom whisper.I opened my eyelids and came in contact with the world once again.And you don't how much better it felt.To be alive and have a different perspective of the world in the eyes of a survivor."What is it mom?"I asked tiredly while rubbing my eyes.

"Honey the doctor said that we can go home.So I want you to get ready."I nodded and started to get up and walk to bathroom and let me tell you my cut really hurts.But once I tried to ignore it I was fine and got dressed in sweatpants and a tank tops with my flip flops.When I left the bathroom it was a different story.My brother Joseph was standing there in front of the door broken.His eyes were glossy and red from crying.And face painted a canvas of how sad he felt."Belle your a-alive."He stuttered.And more tears came down on mine and his face.I basically attacked him with a hug and let him cry in chest.

"I am so sorry Joe.I was different.I changed now I will never do that to you again.I promise."And he pulled apart and looked at me with a mad and depressed face."That's what you said the last time.Now look what you did.Just taking a knife and stabbing yourself will never solve your problems Belle!You are probably going to be fine for week then go back to your old stupid ways.I am sick of it!Do you know how damn selfish you are?!"I walked back and god those words just absolutely hurt me like no tomorrow.Then it came back the memories of being alive and happy faded again and I was back just like he said.The tears were hot on my cold,broken face.

"Joseph Hill who do you think you are get out!"Yelled my mom.

"It's the truth.Everyone is just here thinking everything is fine when it's not!My sister is a failure and she let me see it."He shouted and bursted out.I was amazed at his words Zayn rushed in the little hospital room and once he saw me crying he ran and hugged me whispering soothing things in my ear but I couldn't take it I whispered back to him.

"He's right.I will never change cause I still remember the damn memories.It's not just...fine."I ripped apart from his hug and stormed out of the hospital.Past the words,looks,people I love,nurses,doctors,patients,and shit.I sat at the bench and let the tears fall again.To be honest I was used to it and I didn't feel none of the wetness coming down my cheek."Belle."He said.I looked up to find my brother again and I then looked back down.I felt him sit down next to me and he began.

"I'm sorry Belle.What I said was..."I cut him off.

"True.I know it hurt me but deep down you were reading my future.Don't tell me this whole sorry speech and save it.I know mom put you up to this so go Joseph."I stated.He sighed and knew my statement was absolutely true.I was sure he left when my mom came to me and told me I was going to spend the week with her.And yes I did get to chat with everyone before I left.But I soon went back to little Pinebridge Village.When I went upstairs to my room I feel asleep quickly cause this was basically my only cure to depression.

"Look who we have here Fatty Mc'Hill."She sneered.Her little minions pushed me both into a locker wall while everyone laughed.Why would know one help me or stop her?She took my wrist and pulled down the sleeve and saw the scars lined across."What's wrong Daddy isn't there to help you through the bullying?"She mocked.Katherine mentioning his name just makes more angry by the minute.

"Stop it Katherine!Don't go there."I spoke up.Her smiled appeared and she came close to my face and whispered.

"What are you going to do about it?"And with that note she moved her fist coming right at my jaw.It went by so fast and before I knew it I was on the floor.My eyes were becoming heavy and I was unconscious.

I woke up screaming from the pain I experienced in my dream.My mom rushed in and knew what happened right away.She walked over and held me as I cried into her hair."I am trying mom.But even the dreams are coming back."I sobbed.She rubbed my back and soothed me until I feel asleep again in her arms.And I knew what I really wanted was Zayn to hold me.Then I heard the door open with of course Zayn there smiling."Zayn what are you doing here?"And ran up to hug him.

"Your mom called."It made me grin more and I just wanted him to hold me.He sat me down and my mother was gone after I said thank you.I just stayed with him and he held me and played with my hair.Soon I feel asleep in his arms feeling more safe then ever.


So I hope you liked the new chapter and I luv ya all and I am sorry for the short chapter.Don't forget to read my new story too.And see ya soon Stylers!


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