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Vas Happening?!So you are probably wondering what happened to Alone.Well that story is going to be almost done!So I am starting to write my new Zayn Malik fan-fiction.I hope you enjoy it just like you enjoyed Alone!


Isabella's POV:

"Belle get up today's the day you go to college!"Yelled my mom.Today is actually the day!I am leaving from my little town to go to the college of New York City.Yes I live in New York which is probably the best place to go to college.I crawled out of my warm bed and into the bathroom.When I looked into the mirror I saw a girl with short,messy blonde hair and and little dark circles under my eyes.After I looked at the monster of the morning I put on the shower so I could look decent for college.God I couldn't believe that little me was going to be in this huge world all by myself.Once I jumped into the shower I stayed there for a good 15 minutes then I jumped out and got ready.As I dug through my closet I took out my high waisted shorts and black tank top which I matched with my tan sandals.I left my hair in its natural waves and did my makeup.I applied eyeliner,mascara, and concealer under my eyes.That will have to do.After I was done getting ready I went downstairs to get some breakfast.

"Hey booger!"I said to my little brother.He made a face and said:

"How old are you eight!Stop calling me that you idiot."I laughed in his face and mumbled a whatever.I took out two waffles from the freezer and put them in the toaster for me to eat.

"So are you going to miss me John?"I asked him.

"If I say yes then can I have your room?"I made a face and said:

"Hell no!"

"Language in front of children!I will tell mom."He threatened

"Your 13 get a life!"I back fired.Then my mom walked in and yelled:

"Jonathan stop being mean to your sister she is leaving today!"From the back of mom I stuck up my middle finger at him and he just shook his head.

"I saw that!"Said my mother.Oops!I laughed and then the toaster rang which I then took out my waffles.I sat down and ate them in front of brother which he tried to take a piece but I slapped him and said:

"Keep your dirty fingers to yourself!"

"How rude!"He replied.

After I was down munching on my food I took the boxes that I packed for NYU and started to load them into the car.My mom helped me and soon enough we were ready to go.The drive was about an hour long to get to the city.Once we arrived my mom already had tears coming down her cheek."Are you crying already?"I asked her.

"I am sorry it is just my baby is going to leave me."I shook my head and John just laughed at her which he then got slapped at the head by my mother.

"All I know is that I am excited that your leaving!"Replied my brother.Which he got slapped once again.No surprise there.My dorm was pretty close to my classes and I was just happy that I was that lucky.And I also hope my roommate was nice and not a complete bitch.After I brought all my boxes to my room I saw my roommate unpacking too.She had a dark brown hair color.With tattoos by her arms.And was wearing black skinny jeans and a blood red tank top."Hi I am Isabella but you can call me Belle."

"Hey I am Olivia.You must be my roommate."I nodded my head and smiled she seemed nice.

"Oh this is my mom and my smelly brother Jonathan."He shakes his head and my mom smiled.

"Hi nice to meet you."She said in return.After that was done I said my goodbyes to my mom and brother which took an extra five minutes of just my mom hugging and crying.But soon enough she left.Then I began to unpack and decorate my room.That's when the door opened and two guys walked in.One had brown curly locks and tattoos coming down his arms and chest as for the man with the black hair."Hey guys this is my roommate Isabella but you can call her Belle."

"Hi Belle!I am Harry!"He smiled and seemed kind.Meanwhile the other man waved and said:

"My name is Zayn!"


So what do you think what do you think?!I hope you like it and I think this story is going to come out better then my first here.Hope you like it love ya my Stylers!


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