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Vas Happening?So I hope you are liking the hot spicy chapters!Wohoooooo!


Isabella's POV:

"Belle are listening?!"I actually wasn't paying attention at all.

"What did you say?"She shook her head and said:

"Do you want to go the mall with me?"I actually needed to so I can get a little someone off my mind.

"Yeah sure just let me take a shower.And get out of my running clothes."Olivia nodded and I got up to go to the bathroom.I took my shorts and a daisy crop top with converses to match.As I was walking to the bathrooms I was thinking about you know who.And of course when I turned the corner I saw him kissing none other then a slut.Maybe this is what he wanted to do to me.Just get in my pants and that's all and nothing else.Whatever cause I am not letting that happen once I arrived at all the bathrooms I looked in the mirror and I saw me.A dirty blonde hair girl with waves and without makeup I looked like a complete mess.But anyways as I was looking at my flaws someone said:

"Don't you wish you can change only one little thing of yourself."I turned around to find a girl my height but a little chubby.She had orangey hair and blue eyes.And her smile looked like it costs a million dollars.

"Yeah.Sometimes but I think it's the little things that you have to learn to love."I smiled at her.

"You know you are right.Nicely worded my friend.Whats your name?"she asked.

"Belle and you are.."

"Christina but you can call me Chris."I smiled and said:

"Well I will see you around Chris!"I started to walk to the nearest shower and closed the curtain.God that water felt great on my tensed body.All I want is to get him off my mind.Ever since I came here he had trouble written all over him.And on Monday I have classes.Ugh!Once I was done with my shower I just wrapped myself in a towel and started to walk to my room with just my flip flops.I was looking down and not paying attention and of course my clumsy self ran into the dick of the school.

"Why do I keep running into you like this?"I said quietly.

"Umm..I was thinking the same.But thanks for wetting me I really needed a shower anyways."I laughed at his remark and said:

"Sorry I wasn't really paying attention but I am gonna go."I walked around him and when I looked back he was gone.After that weird coincidence I just brushed it off and went into my room to get changed into my clothes and do my makeup.Once I was finished with that I was ready to go."Are you ready?"Asked Olivia.I nodded and we walked all the way to the parking lot to get to her white Volkswagen.As we got in I looked to side and Jason and Zayn were talking to one another.

"Wait one second Olivia."

"What are you looking at?"She looked to side and her face was changed to a shook one.

"Holy shit!"She mumbled.I unbuckled my seatbelt and so did Olivia and we both got out and walked over to them.

"Hey Jason is that you?"He turned his head and had a pissed off face.

"Are you okay?"I asked with a confused face.

"Do you think I am okay when I know my girlfriend kissed another fucking guy besides me!"He yelled which I jumped back.

"Listen Jason-"

"No whatever we had its..Done!"He yelled and walked to his black mustang.I put both my hands on my face and then took them off I felt like I was on fire now.

"Who the fuck do you think you are telling my boyfriend the shit that I need to tell him instead!"Olivia was shaking her head and Zayn stared at me blankly.

"Are you going to answer me you dick?Ever since I came here you have been having fucking on and off emotions with me.First your nice then you are a fucking asshole.What the fuck?!Now you think you can tell my boyfriend what you did too me?!"I now had tears coming down my face.

"Belle listen-"

"No Zayn just go fuck yourself!"I walked away to Olivia's car and got in to sit down and I slammed the door.I just sat there with tears coming down my face.How could he?Why would he?I just don't understand him!

Olivia's POV:

After I just witnessed what Zayn did I was pissed at him too."Zayn what the fuck?!"I yelled at him.

"I am sorry.I don't know what came over me.As soon as I saw him walking to you and Belle's room I just walked over to him and told him."He explained.

"So you were basically jealous?"I asked.

"I don't know!I guess!"I shook my head.

"Zayn that doesn't give you the right to fucking tell her boyfriend the shit that she needs to talk to him about.Now look what've done.You dug yourself into a deeper hole with her."I turned around and saw her crying in my car.I actually feel bad for her.

"You think I don't know that!God what the fuck did I do."He mumbled at the end while scratching the back of his neck.

"I don't know Zayn but all I know is that you are in deep shit."I replied.I started to walk away to my car to see how Belle was feeling.Holy shit Zayn what the fuck did you get yourself into?

Isabella's POV:

Olivia came back after I guess talking to him.She sat down and looked straight forward not knowing what to say."How could he do something like that?"I mumbled.She looked over to me and said:

"I don't know Belle but I am so sorry.Ever since I introduce you guys your life has been becoming hell.And it is kind of all my fault."

"Olivia don't blame yourself.What you did was nothing wrong.I promise this isn't your fault.It was mine instead."


So do like the drama and Zayn is jealous!Lol!Wow that's a first right!


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