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Vas Happening so I am really excited for this story!Thats why I am updating again.I have such big plans for this.The story is NOTHING like the first so I hope the second chapter!


Isabella's POV:

"Hey my name is Zayn."I smiled and waved back at him.

"So do you live in New York or flew here?"asked Harry.

"Oh I live in a town an hour away from here."I replied while now sitting on my bed.He nodded his head and asked:

"Are you single?"I laughed and said:

"No my boyfriend is actually coming to visit me later he goes to college in New Jersey."I explained.It now kind of got awkward so I just got up and started to decorate more until Olivia spoke up and said"There is party today you want to come with us?"I turned around and said:

"Yeah sure what time?"

"9:00"Replied Harry.After that they left and it was just Olivia and I.

"Your friends seem nice."

"Thanks but sometimes they can be pain in the asses."She laughed at the end which I laughed too.

"Harry is funny but Zayn is very quiet and he kept staring at me which kind of creeped me out."I smiled.

"Yeah once you get to know him he is funny and nice.Sometimes."she mumbled.I wonder what she meant by that.Anyways once I got up the door opened and relieved my boyfriend Jason.

"Jason!"I yelled.I ran over to him and hugged him.

"Hi Belle!I missed you!"He mumbled when he was still hugging me.

"Same."I mumbled.I pulled apart and Olivia had a big smile.

"Jason this is my roommate Olivia."I introduced her to him.

"Hi!Nice to meet you."Olivia replied.He nodded his head and then looked at me and said:

"You want to go to a movie or something?"he asked.Dammit the party.

"Sorry I promised Olivia I would go to a party tonight how about tomorrow instead?"He nodded.And kissed me goodbye.

Then I started to get ready for the party I put on my blue skinny jeans and a purple lace tank top with my white toms and straightened my hair.I also just touched up my makeup and I was ready.When I got out of the bathroom Olivia was wearing black jeans and a dark blue tank top too with flats."Okay we will take my car."she said.I nodded and we went to this huge frat house.When you started to walk to the yard you could smell the beer and hear the music booming through out the house.Once we walked in Olivia spotted Harry and Zayn with three other boys I didn't know."Hey guys!"Said Olivia.

They all said hi at the same time."Who is this?"asked the blonde boy

"This Belle.Belle that's Niall,Liam,and Louis.And you already know Harry and Zayn."She smiled at the end and so did I.

"Hi nice to meet you guys."I replied.They all waved and then Niall asked"You want to dance?"I nodded and we went to the area where everyone was dancing.We danced and maybe even grind a little.

"You are a good dancer Belle."

"Thanks same to you."I answered.

"Do you want a drink?"I nodded and he went off to get me one.I just stood there and looked at all the drunk people dancing and laughing.Thats when my eyes caught Zayn making out with a girl.Ugh he seems like such an ass.Then as I was staring our eyes came in contact with one another and then I looked away.A broad guy came over and said"Why don't we go to a room for a bit?"His words slurred and he breath was the smell of beer.

"How about you get the fuck away from me."

"Oh a feisty one.Come with me!"He took my wrist and pulled me.I tried to get out of his grip and then all I saw was a fist come right at the men's face.What the fuck?!As my head snapped to the side I saw Zayn punch the guy one more time and he was unconscious."Are you okay?"He asked.

"Yeah...I am fine..thanks."I replied but I was not sure why he would do something like that for me.But I just brushed it off and that's when Niall came back with drinks and Zayn disappeared.Whatever!


Ohhh Zayn the hero anyways I hope you liked the chapter and read the story love ya and see you soon!


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