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Vas Happening?!So here is chapter 10 and I am going to update alone maybe too!So keep your eyes open!


Isabella's POV:


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing it was 8:00 and I need to get ready for my classes.I finally got out if my bed and went to the showers.After about 20 minutes of me there I came back and and put on some sweatpants and a crop top with my flip flops and left my hair wet from my shower.I went to the mirror to put some eyeliner,mascara,and concealer on.Once I was finished I got my bag ready and all my books and binders.And I decided to wake up Olivia since it was almost time for our classes."Olivia get up!"I said while shaking her.She took her hand and nudged me by my cheek which I winced back.Fine she asked for it.

"Fire!Fire!Wake up!"She jumped up and had a concerned face.I just bursted out laughing from her expression.

"That is not funny."She pouted.I giggled one last time and said:

"Get ready we have classes today."She finally crawled out and got ready for classes.My first class was writing and I had a man named Mr.Dickson which I though was hilarious if you even get what I mean.But anyways finally it was time and me and Olivia walked to our classes.She didn't have him first so she left me alone to get to my destination.When I walked in the room I was glad to see Harry there by himself on his phone waiting for his teacher.I walked to him quietly and once I was right behind him I went:"Boo!"

He jumped and then smiled when he noticed me."Hey Harry!"

"Hello my Bells!"I sat down next to him and rolled my eyes and said:

"Don't call me that!"He smiled and then Mr.Dickson walked in out of breath and placed all his items on the desk.And I have to say he is cute.He looked like he was in 20s and had black hair with blue eyes.

"Well our professor is hot!"I whispered to Harry which he rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Hello class as you all know I am Mr.Dickson and I am going to be your writing professor.Hopefully I will get the time to get to know you all as well as for me.But today I am just going to give an assignment of 1,000 word essay of how you would describe yourself so I can get to know you guys more.Class dismissed!"And almost everyone left besides me and Harry.

"So how is the cut?"

"It's fine.I guess."I explained.He nodded and I took out my laptop to start writing.

"I am drawing a blank on what to write.Like my life is personal why would I want him to know?God it is my first class and I am already stressed."I slammed my head into my arms and groaned.

"Isabella Hill is it?"I looked up to find my teacher standing there smiling at me.I straightened my back and smiled back.

"Yes that's me.Nice to meet you!I am really excited to be your student this year."I rambled.I really wanted to make a good first impression.

"Well I would like to believe you but as I heard you don't want to tell me nothing about you."He smirked.Well oops!

"I am so sorry about that.Well I promise I will write it even though it is kind..of..personal."I finished it with a nervous smile and he said:

"I like you Isabella.I have a feeling that we are going to have a fun year together."I nodded and he soon left me with Harry.

"Well that was interesting."Said Harry.

"Your telling me!"I soon started to type some of my thoughts:

My name is Isabella Hill and I am eight-teen years old.I guess you can kind of describe my life as confusing.For example have you had a broken toy and you just don't have anyway to fix it.Well this basically explains my life perfectly.It started off when I was born June 17,1995 on a warm,sunny day in New York City.With my parents Lina Hill and Taylor Hill.Life was perfect for a couple of years until my little brother Jonathan was born.Soon my parents had some complicated problems that they never could,unfortunately explain to me.He left us.He just one day gave me kiss goodnight and the next day he was just gone.Gone like a bunny in a magician's box.I think my whole life so far I just thought maybe this is all my fault.I kept thinking maybe it is me who caused the problem.Soon I was just reciting all the things that I did that night in my mind.I become ill and I always ate to hide away my stress and sadness.You could say I was a kind of a heavy kid when I was little which caused me to get bullied a lot in my middle school and high school years.Due to these events I may have cut my wrist a lot.I knew it was wrong but it helped with everything.

Just thinking about it brought tears to my eyes.Trying to write down these stupid memories are going to be tough."Belle are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine Harry it is just that..these...memories are hard to write when my life has kind of been a living hell."I laughed at the end.

"Anyways it's stupid."I got up and started to go but I felt him hold my wrist.He moved me closer and then looked at my left wrist.My scars were still there but I guess I forgot to put makeup on them today.

"What are these?"I panicked.

"They are nothing."I quickly said.

"They can't be nothing if you have four scars lined up on your wrist.Which looked like you cut yourself."He explained angrily to me.

"Listen Harry I don't feel like talking about this right now okay.Just thinking about these memories.."I pointed to my scars and continued.

"Makes me think of the bad thoughts again."I pulled out of his grip and speed walked away to a bathroom or least my room.But I decided since I still another twenty minutes to spare I can go to my dorm.As soon as I opened the door,I ran to my makeup bag and took that thing.I remembered that I haven't used this in one year.But I guess I am going back to my old ways.I never used to cut when I met Jason.He would help though the pain but now since I have no one.I have to do it!I sat in the corner and jammed the blade into my wrist.Blood starting oozing out and I soon felt the feeling again.Of brokenness and pain.And out of people to come in he did.


Okay so now you know a little bit of Belle's past.I know it is kind of sad and depressing but what is a fan fiction without a tiny violin playing in the background!But anyways sorry I didn't update in Two days.But I have good reasons.One my cousin was over and we were out.Two yesterday I went to the beach the whole day knocked and woke up at like 11:40.But hope you are not mad but here is the chapter and love you my Stylers!

Mr.Dickson:Ian Somerhalder


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