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Vas Happening?!I hope you are liking my story and everything and I am going to update Alone today so yeah.I love you all!


Olivia's POV:

96 hours.Four days without Belle waking up and even the doctors and nurses are worried about her.All of us have been here for her ever since she came here and I have been sleeping in the hospital with her mom and her brother has a babysitter and visits sometimes."Hey Olivia maybe you should go home and take a rest."Suggested Louis.I shook my head and said:

"I can't Louis I need to be here when she wakes up and if I don't I will be devastated."Harry tapped my shoulder and gestured me to come with him which I did.

"What's wrong Harry?I really need to be by Belle and if she wakes up and doesn't see I am going to be kind of sad.If that even makes sense but.."Soon he stopped my rambling by moving and connecting our lips.I don't really know how to describe what I was feeling but I guess you can call a tingly sensation went throughout my body.Once we pulled apart I stared at him with confusion.

"What was that for?"

"For all times that I didn't do it earlier."I smiled and I still needed answers.

"When did you start liking me Harold?"He smiled.

"Remember when we were in fourth grade and we played spin the bottle with Zayn,Liam,Louis,Niall,Cindy,and I think Diana?"I nodded and he continued.

"It landed on both of us and after we kissed I noticed this beauty in you and liked you ever since."

"Why didn't make a move earlier you wimp?"I laughed and he smirked.

"Cause I was afraid you would deny it."My smile faded and I went on my tippy toes and kissed him again.

"Harry I would never deny my love for you even if you are my friend."But soon we went back and they were all excited.

"What happened?"I asked.

"Belle woke up!"Yelled Niall.

"Fuck I leave for one god damn minute and she wakes up.But anyways where is Zayn?"

"He was there when she woke up."Answered Liam.Harry and I looked at each other and was surprised.

Zayn's POV:

So I sat down next her and held her hand."Hey Belle it is me Zayn and you probably can't hear me but I just wanted to say please wake up and that I need you.I know I have been an ass every time to you and I basically did this shit to you and all I want is you back in my arms.Can you please just wake up cause I miss you.Your laugh,smile,and beautiful eyes.I just want you Belle please come back to me."

Her eyes were moving and I couldn't believe that worked."Zayn?"

"Oh my god Belle!"I rush up and gave her hug.And she laughed and hugged me back.I ran back to the waiting room and said:

"She is up!"Her mom ran in and just hugged her like I did.

"I thought I lost you."Mumbled her mom.

"Umm..I know that everyone wants to see her but I need to talk to her."They all nodded and we moved out.

Isabella's POV:

(If you listen to the song safe and sound by Taylor Swift this part will make it sad.)


"What do you mean?"I asked but I knew actually what she meant.

"Why would you do this again?I thought you were better.What happened to the happy Belle I love?"Her tears were coming down fast.

"Mom she was never here.Okay?She was just a disguise and you knew sooner or later she would leave us!Anyways even if I left no one would miss me!"I yelled.

"I would!I would Belle!And your friends they haven't left your side ever since you were here!"She shouted back.

"But I bet dad wouldn't!He just left us like that and he wouldn't even know if I was dead!So no!No one would miss me if I left!"And I was sobbing now.

"Belle this isn't healthy!Don't you know that?!"She screamed at me.

"You don't think I know that?!These scars hurt but they help me!Better then anyone else would ever!"I yelled.

"I don't care Belle!This was never your fault!How could you ever think this was your fault?!"

"Because it is!Mom I am sorry'I am just a worthless human being!I don't need this!Don't you deserve a better daughter then a failure?!"She was crying and said:

"How could you think of your self like this?"

"Because I am this."And as simple as that she walked out of the room.And I know she was mad but I meant every little thing I said.


Sorry for the depressing chapter but I am thinking of adding music to every chapter for your guys and yes I did cry a little while writing this chapter.But I love you and I hope you guys liked it too.


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